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Hiccup ran to the great hall looking for his mother, as soon as he walked through the doors he found her sitting at a table with Gobber and Spitelout

"Mum" he yelled as he ran over to her

"Oh hello son" she said happily, when she saw the pain and worry in his eyes her smile dropped from her face and she placed a hand on his shoulder

"What happened?" she said as she lets him sit next to her

Hiccup put his head in his hands and started crying "sh-she's in trouble mum, we have to help her" he said sobbing slightly

"Who is in trouble?" she said looking him in the eye

He took a deep breathe and said "Astrid...she's been taken...kidnapped" he said with tears flowing down his face

"Listen to me son, we will get her back I promise" she said with determination in her voice

"If anything happens to her...or my baby..." he didn't think of that part as he had to stay positive

"Where ever you are Astrid...stay strong because I'm coming for you" he said under his breathe

/With Astrid\

Astrid woke up to a pounding head ache she sat up and opened her eyes slowly as she felt very weak and tired

"W-what? where am I" she said "a place you will not be leaving" a deep voice said "welcome to Alcahbarb"

"Who are you?" she said trying to see where the voice came from "I'm surprised you don't remember girl...after all, I did kill your father in law" he said coldly

"Drago?" she gasped, he walked forward and reviled himself at her cell entrance

"B-but...but how? I saw you die" she said now backing up as far as she could from him

He laughed evilly and opened the cage to her cell and walked in "it takes more than the ocean to kill Drago Bludvist" he said as he walked up to her

"What do you want with me" she whimpered "oh nothing fact I don't want anything to do with you, your chief is what I want" he said as he lifted her chin up with his staff

He walked out and shut the doer to her cell then called one of his men to him "deliver a message to Berk's chief" he told him

"What shall I tell them my lord" he said as he bowed to Drago "tell him we have his mistress, and if he wants to see her and his unborn child alive again...he will have to win a fight against me" he said as he stared at her through the bars

"Yes your lordship" he said as he was about to walk away Drago yelled "wait...let's give him a taste of her misery in the letter" he said as he opened the cage doors and walked in and walked upto her

"How shall we do that my lord?" the man said, Drago then pulled a large blade from his belt, Astrid gasped and started to panic

"Watch and learn?" Drago said, and with that he rammed the blade through Astrid's shoulder causing her to scream in pain

He then pulled the blade out causing her to scream again and then he cut a long piece of her hair off and covered it in her blood "now deliver this and the message to Berk immediately" he said

"Yes my lord" and the man ran away and soon Drago walked away too leaving the girl to bleed and cry alone in her cell

"Hiccup please help me" she cried softly

/Time Skip (5 Days)\

Hiccup, Valka and Gobber were in the great hall with some old friends, Hiccup had summoned Alvin The Treacherous and Dagur The Deranged to a meeting with him about...

"An alliance?" Dagur said confused at Hiccups words "yes Dagur, an alliance...we are clearly not at war anymore so why not and that isn't the only reason I called you" he said

"Well what is boy?" Alvin said "Drago Bloodfist is alive and he has taken my future wife...Astrid" both men gasped

"Wait Drago?...he's the guy who took all my dragons" Dagur moaned like a baby "same here...i had five Whispering Death's in my arena then they all flew away with Drago and his Bewilderbeast...he won't get away this time" he growled banging his fist on the table

Suddenly Fishlegs came running into the great hall and ran over to Hiccup and the others sat round the table

"Fishlegs? what are you doing here this is a private meeting" Valka said "sorry Mrs Haddock ma'am, but this came for Hiccup" he said handing Hiccup the rolled up piece of paper

Hiccup unrolled it and it said

Oh Great Dragon Master

We would think by now you have noticed your Valkyrie is missing...we have her and if you want to see her and your unborn child alive again you will fight me in a 1-1 match to the end, if you refuse, well there will be more of her blood spilled on the floor than there is on her hair now

Don't disappoint Dragon Master and come alone or the girl and the baby will die


Hiccups eyes widen as he flips the page and gasps when he sees a bloody lock of her hair tied to the letter, he pulls it off and tears form in his eyes, he squeezes them shut and tears fall "DRAGO!!!" he screams, he then gets a grip and stands up with revenge in his eyes

He turns back to Dagur and Alvin who were surprisingly holding out their hands to him "you're going to need all the help you can get on this one boy" Alvin said "yeah come on Brother, we want in on this" Dagur says smiling

Hiccup smiles and shakes their hands "so it's an alliance?" Hiccup said, both men nodded and said in unison "it's an alliance"

Please rate and comment guys

I'm also open to ideas some of you guys have for the next chapter it's gonna be called

A Bond So Strong

Give me some ideas you might have and I'll put them in if I get the chance

Thanks guys I'm Strike Blast

Peace out

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