The Battle-Part 1-2

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Hiccup, Alvin and Dagur were flying through the skies with the NightFury Hurd behind them, they were closing in on Alcahbarb and soon Hiccup will have to face Drago in the arena

Alvin saw Hiccup deep in thought and broke the silence "What you thinking about boy?" he asked "huh what?...oh it's nothing just...what's gonna happen to Astrid if I lose" he said softly trying to shake off the thought

"Don't worry about that boy, just focus on your fight for now then you can worry about Astrid" he said smiling as he scratched his dragon's head "Astrid is a tough girl Hiccup, she doesn't go down that easy" he assured him

Hiccup sighed and looked up to see Alcahbarb on the Horizon "there it is guys...Alcahbarb Island" he said as shivers went down his spine

"I'm coming Astrid, hang in there" he said softly as he flew closer to the island

/With Drago\

Drago was sitting on his throne with Astrid stood at his side waiting...waiting for something...anything to happen, he then yelled in frustration and threw an axe at the wall "where is he already?..........fine, if he won't come...then I guess there isn't any more need in you" he said coldly as he pulled out a sword and raised it above his head

He brought it down when he suddenly heard "NIGHT FURY! GET DOWN!" he grinned wickedly and looked back at the blade that was millimetres from her neck, he put the sword away and whispered in her ear "Kill the Dragon master" she looked at him then started to walk to the gates of his thrown room as she said "Yes Master" in a cold whispering voice

Astrid opened the gates and saw hundreds of Night Furies dive bombing and firing several lethal blast's everywhere hitting everything, she looked around for a while for the so called Dragon Master she is bound to kill

/With Hiccup\

Hiccup, Alvin and Dagur were flying in a squad of three hitting everything that was loyal to Drago in triple blast waves, Hiccup looked around for anything else hostile when he spotted "ASTRID!" he yelled "Alvin, Dagur, you guys take out anything Hostile that you find while I get Astrid" he said and they all nodded then flew off in different directions

Hiccup dive toward Astrid as fast as he could then landed a few feet away from her, he jumped off Toothless' back and ran over to her "Astrid! oh I'm so happy to see y-" he stopped in his tracks when he looked at her eyes, they weren't her usual sapphire blue eyes that he adored they were as black as Toothless' scales

He slowly walked closer to her and said "H-Hey Astrid, it's me...Hiccup, come on Astrid I don't know what Drago did to you but you have to stop" he said, he then got close enough and reached for her hands

Then out of no where she jumped over him gripping his collar and flipping him to the ground knocking some wind out of him "okay so that didn't work" he coughed out

He pushed him self up and tried to think of another way to stop her, then he remembered something in Borks archives he read a while ago


Hiccup was reading through Borks papers when he came across how to reverse the affects of Miricuru "this better be good" he mumbled to him self and oh boy it was just what he wanted but not what he liked

To Reverse the affects of this murderous drug the consumer must be choked or knocked out and needs to have the drug removed within 24 hours of they will not see the next sunset

/End Flashback\

Hiccup couldn't bring him self to do such a thing to her, he loved Astrid and he can't hurt her...but it's either hurt her or lose her

"Oh gods...I hope she forgives me for this" he said as he pulled out his inferno and lit the blade, he stood in his ready stance and waited for her to strike and that's what happened

Astrid charged with a loud battle cry and swung at Hiccup repeatedly but every swing she threw at him he managed to counteract with his inferno "oh come on, why won't you die" she hissed at him

"Because Astrid...Love never dies" he said with a smile and then........BLACKNESS

Astrid looked at Hiccup's limp body on the ground then looked up to see Drago with a bludgeon in his hand "bring him to the arena" he said and walked away as a plasma blast hit a few feet from him but he just walked on like it never happened

Astrid picked up his limp body and carried him to the arena, she managed to dodge a few plasma balls but she did get burnt

She opened the gates to the arena and dragged him inside, once she got to the centre she dropped him and walked out locking the gate behind her, then for a brief moment her eyes flashed a hint of blue and she felt uneasy but shook it off and walked away


NEXT CHAPTER IS 'Battle Part 2"

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