A Bond So Strong

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Hiccup was in the forest walking through the same area where Astrid used to train by throwing her axe at the trees years ago

He looked at the marks still engraved in the bark from where the axe hit, he sighed then looked around, there was no one around to see him

He pulled out his inferno and look a deep breathe...then with a very loud battle cry he threw his sword at the tree with all his strength, he threw it so hard that when the blade hit the tree it went through the other side and sat there...Hiccup was panting lightly then he heard something cracking he looked round then he saw the tree he just hit split into two clean slices

Hiccup smiled as he was impressed with his effort then he picked up his sword and raised it over his head again ready to throw

He was about to throw it at another tree when he heard a voice

"A tree is not a difficult opponent son" he turned round to see his mother standing there

"Oh, hi mum" he said softly as he put his sword back in its holster on his leg

"Son I know how hard it is for you knowing that someone you love deeply is at high risk" she said placing a hand on his shoulder

He looked at her and sighed as he looked at all the trees with a mark in them where Astrid threw her axe...her violent side was one he feared and loved at the same time, he walked over to a tree and placed his hand on the marks of the axe "back when i was in dragon training Astrid used to get so angry when I beat her in the events that she used to come here with her axe and take it out on these exact same trees every time" he croaked as he remembered the days when they just started dating and everything was perfect

Hiccup laughed softly and smiled "I still remember how she used to get shy when ever I was around her, she couldn't walk with out hitting something or someone" he said

He turned back to his mother and said "Astrid never doubted me when I was a screw up or when I destroyed things by accident, she never bullied me like the others did...and she...she always had that gorgeous smile on her face when she walked past me"

He turned back to the forest and saw a flashback to when they just started dating and were playing round like children lifting each other of the ground and tackling each other to the ground whilst laughing through out the whole event


Hiccup and Astrid just started dating and were playing kissy cats, Astrid was running while Hiccup tried to catch her, she eventually looked behind her and noticed he wasn't there, she stopped running and looked around to see if he was there but she couldn't see him

Suddenly everything went black as a pair of hands covered her eyes and she felt soft kisses along her neck

"I win" Hiccup said, Astrid smiled and giggled as she spun round and look his hands off her eyes and looked at him, they both smiled until their faces hurt but that didn't bother them

Astrid then leaned in and kissed him, Hiccup deepened the kiss by pulling her closer

She suddenly felt her feet leave the ground, she squealed as Hiccup lifted her up and spun her round in the air, they both laughed and smiled with each other having the time of their lives

[End Flashback]

Hiccup sighed as a tear escaped his eye, he missed her so much, her cute smile. Warm lips. soft hands but he missed her hugs most

"S-She's out there all alone going through Thor knows what, we need to find her soon mum, I miss we so much, I miss Astrid...I miss our baby" he sobbed

Valka walked upto him and wiped his years away "she's pregnant! we will get her back son, I promise, you have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon, with those two things inside you nothing is impossible" she said

"Thanks mum...I was going to tell you about the baby but I didn't get round to it" he said as he wrapped his arms round her and they were soon in a hug so tight Hiccup was having trouble breathing

"Erm...mum...cant...breath" he chocked out, she let go and laughed "oops, sorry son...and don't worry, Astrid is a fighter and won't go down without a fight" she said

"It's not Astrid I'm worried about...well she is but I'm more worried about the welfare of the baby" They started to walk back to the village as it was getting dark, they stopped outside Hiccup and Astrid's house and said their goodbyes

"Remember son, you and Astrid share a bond so strong not even fate can separate you" she said looking in her sons eyes

They said goodbye and went to bed

Later that night Hiccup stirred in his bed as his dream was something he never experienced before

He was his younger self at some sort of prison as he saw cages and prisoners inside them, some covered in cuts bruises and stab wounds, he then saw a guard walk over to a cell with a tray of food, he opened the gate and placed the tray inside and then walked away locking with gate behind him

Hiccup walked over to the cell and saw a figure curled up in a ball in the corner, he grabbed the bars but his hands just went straight through them as if he was a ghost, he walked through the bars and waked over to the shivering person

He got a closer look and was horrified to see Astrid covered in blood, she had been stabbed in the shoulder, leg, foot and her wrists had been cut, he could hear her sobbing quietly then she sniffed and looked up

"Please hurry Hiccup" she sobbed "I will Astrid I promise" he said as he reached out to touch her face but once again he went through her as if he wasn't actually there 'she can't see me' he thought, "if you can hear me Hiccup please save me, I miss you, oh gods...listen to me I'm talking to thin air again, I'm going to die here...I'm going to die on Alcahbarb" she screamed

Then everything went black and Hiccup woke up from his dream and sat up "Alcahbarb? where have I heard that before" he said to himself

He got up put his armour on and went out the door to the great hall

Hiccup arrived at the great hall and everywhere he went he always received "morning chief/hail chief Haddock/good to see you sir/there's the pride of Berk" to be honest he kinda liked all the praise he received

He soon found Valka sat at a table with her friends "mum!" he said she turned round and smiled at him "oh hello son, sleep well?" she said

"Can I ask you something?" he said nervously, "why of course dear, fire away" she said

"Does the name Alcahbarb ring a bell to you?" he asked, Valka's smile suddenly disappeared and some of the villagers gasped "what? what is it?" he said

Valka sighed and stood up "Alcahbarb is an island filled with the most powerful dragons known to exist, I went there trying to tame some and bring them back to my dragon sanctuary..but as I was about to leave the island, Drago and his army came and took them all from me...I managed to escape but all those dragons were taken by Drago and are now under his command, he claimed the island as his own and has held it ever since because no one dares to go near the island as they are all afraid of the dragons that he has"

Hiccup gasped, his Astrid was trapped on a island full of hostile dragons "I know where Astrid is mum, she...she is being held prisoner on Alcahbarb" he said, Valka's eyes widened in shock and feared for poor Astrid's life

"I have to go there and fight Drago mum...its the only way I can bring Astrid home" he said, his voice was filled with determination and bravery but deep inside he was terrified

"Son, I'm sorry but I am not going to allow you to go there and fight Drago.........without cheating" she said with a grin

She reached into her bag and pulled out a potion and handed it to him "this was given to me by a sorcerer on the island of the Flightmare's, you drink this beverage and it will heal you instantly but with great pain so be careful" she said with a cheeky grin

"You are the best mother ever, thank you" he said "oh I've been meaning to ask son, how did you find out about Astrid being on Alcahbarb?" she said

"I guess we have a bond so strong" he said with a huge smile on his face

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