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Previously On Miracles....


"Hi Hiccup"

"How are you still alive"

"The Miricuru saved me"

"Come on we're going home"

"I'm married to Drago"

"You are Astrid Haddock"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to fight Drago and get you back"


Hiccup and Astrid sat at the edge of a cliff under the stars in each others arms enjoying their company once again

Everything was peaceful and quiet until Astrid spoke "Hiccup?" she said softly "yeah Astrid?" he replied "will your mother let me come back... e-even after all that I did" she said as she rested her head on his shoulder

Hiccup sighed and said "I don't know Astrid, she might but...she might not take it so well, you left me to raise our daughter alone and never showed any sign you were alive after all these years" he told her "well we might as well try, the worst that happens is she tries to kill me" she said with a chuckle

Hiccup laughed and kissed her cheek " do you wanna come home?" he said, Astrid thought about it for a moment then cracked a smile "yeah...I'd love to" she said happily


Back in the village everything was quiet, the air was still and everything was calm

Until the plaza was flooded with villagers when they all heard a horn that signalled dragons on the horizon

They saw the dragon and stood in their battle ready stance with blades all around shining in the sun light, it came closer and closer then they noticed it and they all started to stand down, Hiccup and Toothless landed in the plaza and as they did everything was silent and eyes all around were watching them

Hiccup slowly dismounted his dragon then he looked back to Astrid and helped her down, they didn't seem to notice her and in all fairness she has changed in the last five and a half years

Then pushing through the crowd came Valka and little Miracle "what are all these people looking at" Valka said frustrated, she got to the front and her eyes went wide with shock, she gasped as she knelt down on one knee and Gobber did the same, then one by one all the villagers knelt down on the ground

"Uhh mum, what are you doing?" Hiccup asked

"C-can...can it really be you" she replied, she lifted his head up and said "my future daughter-in-law" with tears in her eyes

"Hiccup took Astrid's hand and then she spoke "yes Valka.....i-it's me" she said softly, Valka slowly started to rise and then started to walk upto her, she placed a hand on her cheek and at the touch her breath turned crystal hard and all her pain melted

She chuckled slightly then wrapped her arms round her and whispered in her ear "welcome home"

"Thank you Valka" she said softly as she cried into his fur cape "I'm not Valka, Astrid.....I am your mother in law" she whispered into his ear

Valka released her and Astrid returned herself to Hiccup's open arms "so are you going to tell us how you still walk our land" Valka asked chuckling softly

"Mum I know she would love to but we have bigger problems at the moment" Hiccup said as he gently grabbed Astrid's hand and lifted it so everyone could see, deep breaths and gasping could be heard all around as they all lay their eyes upon Astrid's bloody finger

"Great Odins beard son! who did this?" She gasped, there was silence for a moment then Hiccup walked upto his mother and whispered into her ear "Drago Bloodfist" Valka's eyes went wide as the sun with shock and hate

She growled quite loudly then went to the highest point where everyone could hear her, when she got there she stood proud and looked upon her people, then with a deep breath she spoke "Today is a great day for us, especially my family" she spoke clearly as she looked at Astrid and grinned

"Five years ago we fought the mad man that is Drago Bloodfist, we won the fight but lost a great member to the Hooligan clan that day, Astrid Hofferson....but after my son fought through pain, depression and misery he never had a doubt that this day would come...we welcome home our bravest worrier, ASTRID HOFFERSON" she boomed, the crowd of villagers cheered and clapped their hands as hard as they could as they welcomed Astrid back to the tribe

The crowd eventually stopped when they were being shoved aside by someone, they seemed to be in a hurry to see what was going on "daddy!" Hiccup knew that voice from miles away "Miri?" The little girl managed to get to the front and then ran over to Hiccup and literally jumped into his arms

"Daddy what's going on? why is everyone out here?" she whispered in his ear, Hiccup smiled then he looked around at all the villagers who were nodding theirs heads as if they were saying "tell her"

Hiccup sighed then looked Miracle in the eyes "do you remember those stories I told you when you were a baby, about your mother and how she was taken away by that nasty man" Miri smiled and nodded "yes, you said if I ask Odin nicely enough he might bring her back and let her come home.......daddy? when is she coming home?" she said

"Today, she is here baby....just look behind you and you'll see her" he whispered

Miracle turned round and the first person she saw was her mother standing there with a huge smile on her face and tears streaming down her face "is that her daddy? is that mummy?" she asked "yes, yes it is, now go on and give her a hug because I think after five years alone she needs one" Hiccup said

Miri stared at Astrid for a moment then her vision became blurry as tears filled her eyes, she then sprinted as fast as her little legs could take her towards Astrid and shouted "MUMMY!" and then five years alone was no more as mother and daughter were reunited with tears, sobs and huge smiles

"I love you mummy" Miri said "I love you too" Astrid sobbed

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