The Question

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It was Snoggletog on Berk and the first one since Hiccup became chief and he had really made the village happy this year

He managed to recently find a night fury nest and bring them all back to Berk, soon the story of night furies going extinct was forgotten

Everyone who didn't have a dragon was given either a baby or adult night fury or a night fury egg

Yup Snoggletog was looking good this year

"HICCUP!" Came a voice that rattled the great hall

Hiccup was in the great hall sitting at a table trying to think of a new way to bring the babies back from their birth place this year because last time he used half a ship and he couldn't do that this year so he had to think of something and soon

"Hiccup?" came a voice from outside

"I know that voice anywhere" he said putting his papers down

The doors swung open and Astrid came running in with a baby Nadder in her arms

"You are the best boyfriend ever" she squealed as she put the baby dragon on the table and hugged him tightly

"Astrid...can't...breath" he managed to say

Astrid quickly released him and apologised as she kissed his cheek and sat beside him

"So when are you coming home babe?" she said as she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm round his waist

"As soon as I check how the decorations are doing round the village" he said as he got up, packed his papers and walked out the hall holding Astrid's hand whilst she carried her sleeping Dragon

As they walked through the plaza their breath was taken away when they saw the villagers efforts

Hiccup stood in front of the large tree and laughed "well done, well done to all of you, now this...this is what Snoggletog is all about, love" he said as he looked at Astrid and winked at her

"This is also a sad time as we will be saying bye to our dragons soon but we won't let that bother us as we know that they will return soon enough" he said as he gestured to the dragons around him

"Snoggletog has always been a perfect time for anything that can be put into plan, whether it's parties, activities, dances or even something more special than this holiday" he said as he looked at Astrid and took the dragon from her hands and placed it on the floor not disturbing its slumber

He then took her hands and looked her in the eye "Astrid...its been almost three years now since I got the guts to ask you out, and when you said 'oh erm sure Hiccup'" he said in a mimicking voice making the crowd laugh

"You made me happy like no one else could, and if this goes to plan ill be even with out any more delay" he said as he knelt down and pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and opened it reviling a solid gold ring making everyone gasp and make some squeal

"Astrid Hofferson....will you marry me" he said loud enough so everyone could hear

Everything was quiet for a moment and Astrid was looking at everyone who all had smiles and were nodding as if telling her to say yes, then she spotted Valka who was crying and nodding alot

She looked at Hiccup and started to cry "yes...yes I will" she said as she lunged at him and wrapped her arms round him and continued crying

The crowd clapped and cheered an soon they all started chanting "Hiccstrid, Hiccstrid, Hiccstrid" the two just smiled and went back to hugging each other


It was now a month since Hiccup proposed to Astrid and things aren't going to well as Astrid was continuously throwing up everyday and Hiccup was starting to get scared for her well being

"Astrid let's go to the healers...its for the best" he said as he put his hands on her shoulders and walked her to Gothi's hut

"Okay" she said and the two walked hand in hand towards Gothi's hut

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