Chapter 4

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Zirem swiped up, getting rid of the menu. He sat down, but a Wyrmling Viper sprang out from a crack. Taking out his shield, Zirem blocked the deadly fangs, but still needed to draw his sword. The Flame-Weaver cut through the body, giving him 110 XP. 

His shield shattered, and he received two stat points. Putting one into MP, and the other in strength, he walked out of the room. Zirem walked into room 85, finding an Iron Sentinel. It sliced at him, and dealt 69 damage. Wincing, he swung twice, then another, dealing a combo and taking off a quarter of the monster's HP.  

Another combo with a critical dealt over 100 damage, leaving it with only a third of its 300 HP.  The Iron Sentinel struck, but Zirem parried, then swung twice. The cuts opened up to reveal bright red wounds. The Iron Sentinel stepped back, and disappeared the moment Zirem's blade stabbed it in the gut. Gaining 150 XP, he sighed. He levelled up to 12. His XP was at 76/435. Quite low.

A Bonebreaker Troll swung its wooden club at him, but he ducked, and while the beast's momentum flung it off balance, he swung upwards continually, landing a critical before a combo hit. The insane damage went over 200, and almost killed the beast in one attack chain! The Bonebreaker Troll stumbled, but stayed upright. It swung the giant club, but Zirem dodged, attacking once more. The Troll died. 

Gratefully absorbing the 120 XP, making him have 196/435, he watched as his armour dissolved. Quickly, he needed to face the boss before he lost his sword as well! The mastery gave him two stat points, which he put into the Shroud Of Ominous Worlds. 

The lvl required was down to 13! The sword was still at 15, but he could soon wear the new armour! Checking his inventory, he realised he had over 1000 Vomjrin. Enough to buy a helm of Solar Steel. That gave him plus 600 HP. 

Before teleporting back, Zirem decided he'd spend a bit more time in the Undercrypt; he didn't want to lose all his progress in this Dungeon! Walking into room 82 again, he noticed a Stone Hellion lvl 14 with the title mini-boss. Walking up to it, he grapsed his sword with two hands.

The dog-like creature leaped at him, snarling, and tried to gouge out his eyes with stone claws. Zirem dodged, and then swung, barely scratching the beast. A chip of rock fell off, not even making the customary red glowing wound. 

Zirem gaped. 8 000 HP! This tanky monster was so powerful! How strong was the boss anyways? Knowing he had no choice, he ran up the stairs to the Boss Room, jumping over a potential trap. 

The curving stairwell led him to a giant, carpeted hallway lit with torches, at the end of which there was a throne. On the massive stone chair sat the Boss; Sauloch the Harbinger of the Volledae. 

The boss was feline-like in appearance, but stood over three meters tall. Its knees were bent the wrong way, backwards, and it had razor sharp claws on both hands. Fangs protruded from its closed mouth, and it held a sword similar to the DarkBone sword. On its back was a circular shield, and the boss growled, its eyes turning crimson red.

Sauloch raised a might clawed hand, and from the ground came three feline-like beasts, each wielding a deadly dagger and barbed scimitar. They were Volledae. Roaring, they charged, and Zirem caught a glance at the level of one. It was pretty high, at lvl 17. But he was strong enough to parry one blow, then stab, and slice at the Volledae. 

It growled, and its eyes turned red. Fangs punctured its gums, each sharp enough to tear through skin. As he turned around, he noticed another one sneaking up on him. It slashed at his back with a dagger, and he lost 96 HP. Wincing, he noticed his maximum HP has drastically increased since he'd last seen it. He now had 210. But 96 HP was still giant waste of health. 

He sliced at the first one, dealing 47 damage, and then parried the next blow from the feline beast. He leaped backwards, just as the second Volledae used its dagger to stab through him and kill him. Grunting, he kicked one, then parried a blade. There were too many of them. 

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