Chapter 12

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He reached the dungeon as the sky began darkening. Was this the boss dungeon? if so, he could advance to the next floor extremely fast, and that would benefit him greatly. A message popped up, saying that this was the boss dungeon, but before entering, Zirem opened his menu, pressed a button saying "Player Count", and felt his stomach tighten up as he noticed that, out of ten million, eight million were left. Still, two million was a lot of people. 

He entered the dungeon, hoping to progress to the next floor. As a solo player, he was mostly viewed as a mapper, but most of the cleared floors had seen their bosses either defeated by him, whether it be with a small party or with a guild he only associated with temporarily.

As he entered the labyrinthine dungeon, he checked his inventory, and saw the map. Good. The maze had an ice theme, with a floor of snow and walls of clean, clear ice. The transparent solid emanated cold, but Zirem's cloak kept him insulated.

(This is the map of the dungeon)

Normally parties would scout out the dungeon first, but Zirem had decided a while ago that he preferred to go straight through the dungeon, not exploring it

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Normally parties would scout out the dungeon first, but Zirem had decided a while ago that he preferred to go straight through the dungeon, not exploring it. However, this floor was quite advanced, and every item that was for sale was useful for a lower floor like the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth.

Since he was also low on useful materials and items, he needed to find some loot from this dungeon, where little if not none, people came. So he now had the luxury to search the dungeon for items. 

The first monster he found was a Nalfeshnee, a snow based beast. It had long claws of ice, with fangs of the same material. The creature stood on four legs, pawing the crunchy snowy floor. Gleaming red eyes shone in the semi-darkness of the maze, and its breath projected minuscule shards of ice that planted themselves on the snow of the floor and on the icy wall. 

The beast howled, and charged, gleaming red eyes the only visible thing. The invisible Nalfeshnee flew towards him, but his first sword quickly pushed it away. It screeched again, swiftly attacking again, this time with icy shards that pierced his armour and skin, drawing blood. 

A roar formed in Zirem's throat, and he ran forward, cutting through some ice shards randomly as he sliced three times through the tough hide of the demon. It growled, claws flashing towards him, but he leaped backward, only to attack again. 

Each one of his strikes were devastating, and he defeated the monster in only a few hits. Zirem put his swords in their scabbards slung on his back, and then continued through the freezing dungeon, searching for loot-dropping monsters or chests. Each was useful.

As another monster appeared and he dealt with it fast, he found a fork. Picking the left one, he realised it was a dead end, but there was something right before the wall. Picking up the pace, he started running, reaching the end of the tunnel in no time at all.

It was a chest, but it was blue, and had a red shield around it. What did that mean? Did he have to do something in order to open the chest? Just as those thoughts passed through his mind, a massive familiar monster crashed through the icy wall. 

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