Chapter 9

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There was one casualty

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There was one casualty. One. Against a monster that could have been killed faster. That could have been killed without any deaths. One death in the real world. And Zirem felt all the pain he had two months ago, in the dungeon with Cody and all the others. 

People he'd... He sighed. Better to not dwell on that. "Squadron B, you'll fight the next monster. The boss should be in room 6, so we've still got a few monsters to kill before we reach it," explained the leader of the guild. Everyone in the second squad nodded grimly. 

They advanced to room 10, which lead to room 12, which then went to stairs, which lead to the boss room. A lot of stages, but, as he examined the map of the labyrinth, it seemed a bit too easy. So much of the dungeon was unexplored, and unneeded. 

Inside room 10, they found two monsters. "The Xriax Warrior is for squad B, the Platinum Sentinel will be defeated by squadron C!" The two groups rushed forward, weapons ready. Some stayed back, arrows nocked and bows ready. The deadly fire of arrows, took down the two monsters HP down and surprised them, changing their aggro to the archers, who were to far to be hurt. 

The melee warriors charged into the fray, hacking and slashing, opening up cuts of various sizes before the aggro switched to them, and then switching positions when the monster hurt or attacked them. This way, the players never lost more than a quarter of their full HP when the fight was over. 

Zirem sighed with relief. He didn't want another death in the group. They reached room 12, and a few Hellish Snakes leaped at them, fiery fangs poised, but they were rapidly taken out by the powerful squad D.

Reaching the corridor, a plan was made. Squad F, Zirem's group, would take care of the attacking minions created by the boss. Then, they'd go and help the other squads take care of the boss using the switch maneuvers.

That sounded good to him. Zirem drew his two swords, Rigormortis, Edge of Insanity and Dirge, Blade of the Ominous Worlds. He equipped his helm, cloak and gauntlets, and strapped his shield to his back, where it would add to his defence, instead of wasting away inside his inventory.

They ran up the stairs first, ready to fight the minions of the boss, encountering a mini-boss called a Pit Fiend, but the squad avoided it easily, reaching the boss'room in no time.

Zirem pulled the lever to open the doors, and dashed in after his companions. The room was massive, and the stone platform on which they stood was shaped like a keyhole, connected to the doors and surrounded by void.

The boss was inside a ring of fire, already fighting two men wielding axes, but there were still ten minions around the ring of fire. They turned, and the twenty players in squad F gulped, getting ready for the assault.

Zirem was the only one to rush into the fray; all the others had preferred to wait for the fight to come to them. Ducking, spinning, slicing, chopping, attacking wherever he could, he took down three monsters, before backing off. 

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