Chapter 10

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The laugh silenced the murmurs of ever single person in the boss room. "Did you really think I was dumb and weak enough to not know what technique a boss was using? I'm not a noob. Not like you. But since I'm in a good mood, I'll give you my advice before leaving. Stick together, or you'll die. It's going to be your only chance..."

He stopped talking for a few seconds, letting the tension build up. It had. The speech silenced everyone, then Zirem opened his inventory, using the Vorpal Night-platinum Upgrader and imbuing his swords, Rigormortis and Aetherius, in the dark liquid. Then, as the process was finished, both the swords re-appeared in his hands, gleaming, shiny and black. They now each had a special skill of their own, along with stat boosts that made their power sky-rocket. Their titles had changed as well. They were now Rigormortis, Edge of Insanity (Dark Repulser), and Aetherius, Blade of the Ominous Worlds (Elucidator)

Strapping them to his back, he walked past the ring of fire, striding confidently over the flames, and stepping up the stairs leading to the floor portal. "Wait. Why are you doing this? You seemed to care about us when you fought. You healed most of our fighters without hesitation," asked the leader of squad F, who'd been watching him curiously for the past few minutes.

Zirem barely turned his head when he answered, "Your guild wouldn't want me here, so I'm leaving. You don't need to be in a guild to play. I'm not coming back after this..." And with that, he left the party of squadron F, and opened the massive doors. 

There, a glowing blue portal floated in thin air. Stepping through it, he felt something odd. His stomach flipped, and gravity turned upside down, and he fell. Falling through to floor 2, he stopped as he landed on a little hill of mud and grass. However, his clothes and armour weren't dirty. Good.

As far as he knew, he couldn't get anywhere without a map. He took out his own, and noticed it had changed. Weird, but useful.

As he moved onward, he noticed a moving red dot

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As he moved onward, he noticed a moving red dot. That must be him. Actually, he was near a town called Bastow in the mountains. He could see the smoke coming from the chimneys of the little village. Maybe he should go over there. 

Zirem walked all the way to the mountains for twenty minutes, then started climbing the first mountains. Thankfully, his cloak kept him warm, and didn't let the wind through. 

----------------------3 days later-------------------------

Finally reaching the hamlet, Zirem stepped through the gates, and the two guards, actually quest-givers, asked him, "Can you help our village? In the past few days, many Moondogs have started attacking our town, and every night, we're losing men and women and families. This can't go on. We'll give you a reward for helping us."

He accepted, and the guards thanked him, and shook his hand. Instantly, on the top right corner, beneath his HP, MP and XP bars, the quest was generated: Kill 20 Moondogs and defeat the Moondog Queen. The rewards were noted as well; 500 Vomjrin, 1000 XP and 2 stat points. 

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