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I woke up as the sun peered over me. I smiled as I stretched. "Mmmmm" It felt so good. I leaned over and checked my phone. I had a couple Instagram notifications and 1 text. It was from Shawn. He asked me out for coffee this morning. I thought about it and I figured I'd go. He was pretty handsome and I could use some grown up time. I get tired of constantly being around kids, since I am constantly volunteering for school events with Erin. I told Shawn that I would go and meet him for coffee. 

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I took a shower and used my bath and body wash. I was smelling so damn good. I didn't want to get out, but all good things must come to an end. When I finished my shower, I dried off and put on a cute outfit that showed off my signature style. It was going on 7:00am so I got Erin up and made sure he was ready to get on the bus to school.

It was 8 by the time the bus came. I gave him a kiss and sent him on his way. Shawn had texted me back and we decided to meet at 10:00 a.m. 

I made is to Phillipé by 10 on the dot. I looked around and saw Shawn sitting in a booth already. I walked over and smiled at him. He stood up and we gave me a side hug. I sat down opposite of him and we began to talk.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. I've just been working on selling this one home but other than that, I'm ok. How about you?

"Im ok. Ive been picking up more clients and business has been really good."

"You redecorate right?"

"Yea, I do, mostly for high power clients."

"That must be fun."

"Well its pretty nice, I get invited to a lot of events and Ive become really great friends with them."

"Thats awesome. So how do you have time for PTA and all that stuff?"

"Well its really not that time consuming for me, my mind works unusually fast when It comes to my work, so I spend about a month per client which entails going to their house shopping and seeing their thoughts halfway through. I usually have a lot of free time and I can spend time with Erin, picking out cool things if my clients have kids."

"That sounds fascinating. I would love for you to do my house some day. I want to redecorate and give it a new taste."

"I could come over one day and check it out and set up a consultation."

"Thank you, Ill let you know. But I would really love to talk about the school."

"Sure, what you got?"

"Well, how is the performance as far as teachers go. I heard the schools side but I would rather hear your side."

"The teachers are amazing. I love how they are so interactive and very involved. They give monthly updates on the kids and their progress. I really think its great."

"Thank you, whens the next PTA meeting?"

"Its Friday night. We can go together if you want?"

"I would love to, if that means I get more time with you."

"Mmmm smooth talker I see. You going to come to my house and carpool then?"

"Yea, well I try. Sure, we can catch a bite to ear before hand or after."

"We can play it by ear."

"Alright, I just wanted to say this real quick. You are absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself."

"Well how about this. We get to know each other more. You seem like you're an amazing person and I just want to apologize again for yesterday. I would love to be your friend."

"Thank you, its really ok. I forgive you. I would love to get to know you more as well."

Shawn and I talked some more and we learned more and more about each other. It really is refreshing to speak to him. Theres just something about him and how he handles himself. I really could see myself talking to him more and more.

We sat there in for almost two hours just talking. We kept talking about our kids, work, hobbies.

We parted ways and I thought about him all night....


More to come....soon..

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