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My run was refreshing. It made me feel good, like I was on a high. I ran for  30 minutes, but it didn't feel like enough. I had to do more, so I got my weights and weight lifted for an hour or so.  I was soaked by the time I was finished. sat down on the floor to catch my breath and drink the fruit infused water, I made. The time was almost 3 now, so I grabbed some clothes out of my bedroom and moved it into the guest room. It was about the size of the master, so I figured I would make this my room for now, at least until I could face my room and sleep there again. 

I took my shower, getting dress again. Then, I heard banging on my front door. My eyes shot to the door. It couldn't be. He couldn't be back. Grabbing one of my fireplace sticks, I slowly crept to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw it was Solange.  

Flinging the door open, I dropped the stick. "SOLO" I hugged her tightly while she gasped for air.

"Damn, Thu. You was gonna beat me with that stick?" she asked once I let her go, stepping inside.

"You never know who's at your door" I smiled at her and hugged her again. It's been so long since I've seen her. She lives in NOLA, so I haven't been able to visit her as much as I like. 

"What's going on Thu? You sounded so scared on the phone. I booked a flight as soon as I heard you." She turned to close and lock the door.


"No, I was already coming, but that made me get my ass here faster."

"Solange, I just...I dont know what to say." Tears swelled in my eyes.

"Bey, you know you can talk to me." She held my hand and walked over to the suede couch. 

"So much has happened...I don't t think I'm ready."

"Is that why you opened the door with that damn stick."

I just shook my head up and down.  She began to stare at me harder and reached to put my hair behind my shoulders uncovering my bruises. 

"Thu...what the hell happened?" She spoke in a hushed tone.

I looked up at her before hugging her and crying on her. "He came back Solo. He came back last night and I...I..couldnt make him leave. He just did it over and over..." My voice cracked while I spoke.

"He beat you again?" She said looking me in the eye.

"He beat you again?" She said looking me in the eye

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"A little more than that." 



"Oh my god, Bey I'm so sorry. Im so sorry, I wasn't here. I should've been here. Did you go to the hospital already?"

"Yea" sniffles. "I came back right before you called. I did a kit and everything." I leaned off of her and just sat back finally getting everything out. I felt a little better talking to someone I knew, especially my sister.

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