The Argument

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Shawn POV

It's been a couple days since I saw Bey. I texted her and called her, but she hasn't hit me up yet. I don't know what's up. I know she could be feeling some type of way because of what transpired in my kitchen, but I thought she was into it. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable with me because it really does make my day when we see each other. It's crazy how close we've gotten in a matter of months. I didn't have much on my agenda today, just a client this morning and I am waiting to hear back from the seller, so I can close this deal.

It's going on 2:30 p.m. so I went to Tiera's school to pick her up. I normally see Bey picking up Erin, so I'm hoping I can talk to her.

30 minutes Later...

I parked my Benz on the curb and stepped out looking for Tiera near her class. It was 80 degrees and the the sun was shining. All the kids were on the courtyard yelling, playing, and screaming. I didn't spot her but she spotted me.

"DADDY." She yelled as she ran over to me. I bent down and swung her in my arms. My eyes closed as she hung onto my neck. I missed my little angel. I eventually switched her to my hip and talked to her as I grabbed her bag slinging it over my shoulder.

"Baby girl, How was your day?"

"It was good. Nia and I made pictures in Art class."

"That's good. You can show me when you get home and we can put it on the fridge."


I put Tiera down and smiled at her. "T, where's Erin?"

"I don't know. He was waiting for his mom." She shrugged

"Do you wanna go find him?"


Tierra and I walked around the courtyard and I spotted Bey's honey blonde hair. She wasn't too far away. She stood by the passenger door as Erin climbed in. As we got closer, I saw Bey close Erin's door and make her way to the driver's seat.

"BEY," I yelled out hoping she would hear me. She turned around and met my eyes. I felt myself walking faster and T ran ahead of me. She made it to Bey before me.

"Hi, Ms. Beyoncé."

"Hi, Angel. How are you?"

"I'm good." T smiled showing her missing teeth. "When can we come over?"

"I don't know. I'm so busy these days maybe next week."

"Ok." T replied cheerfully.

"Bey" I said chiming in.

"Yes, Shawn."

"Can we talk?"

"I need to get Erin home. He has homework."

"Yea, homework that takes all of five minutes."

"What do you want Shawn?" She sounded slightly irritated, which kinda pissed me off.

"I want you to tell me whats going?'


"Then why the hell you acting like that?" I started to raise my voice. I could tell Bey was getting a little embarrassed as some parents looked our way.

"Shawn, lower your voice. I told you it's nothing, just drop it."

Bey turned around and opened her car door. I grabbed the door and stopped it from closing.

"Is Erin sleeping?"

"No." She was confused

"Good, Im coming over. Lead the way."

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