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Three Weeks Later...

These past weeks have been so wonderful with Shawn and little Tiera. We have been talking a lot more and I can honestly say I am really happy I met him. Its been hard dating again since Erin's dad passed. Shawn, Erin and Tiera are all hanging out at Shawn's house for a playdate. I had to work so I needed someone to keep an eye on Erin while I was out.

I had this huge client, Zsa Zsa Gábor. She was an actress but retired a couple of years ago. Although I never personally watched any of her work, I have heard great things about it. Zsa was one of my high end clients and could be very difficult. She was so indecisive which made my job much harder. I tried to give input in particular aspects but I liked for my clients to tell me what they wanted, after all, it is there home. It took five hours of constant work to finally get everything right. I will be working with her for the next three weeks, so now that the foundation of the work is done, I'm hoping we can move forward without any hiccups. I left her house around 10:00 p.m. which was way later than expected.

I got in my car and called Shawn as I drove to his house.

"Hello," Shawn answered anxiously

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"Hello," Shawn answered anxiously .

"Hey, Sorry for running so late. The consultation went longer than expected."

"Its cool B. I figured. You on your way now?"

"Yea, I should be there in about 30 minutes. Is everything okay?"

"In a sense, the kids are definitely having fun, but they seem to be dying down a little bit."

"Ok, is Erin behaving himself?"

"Of course, thats my main man." Shawn spoke with absolute confidence.

I laughed at his silliness. Over the last two weeks, Erin has grown very fond of Shawn and vice versa. I love to see them interact, I just don't want Erin to get too attached in case, Shawn and I don't work out as friends.

"Ok, Thanks again for watching him for me on such short notice."

"No problem B. I'd do it anytime."

"Alright, imma let you go and Ill ring when Im here."

"Got cha, later."

We hung up and I couldn't stop smiling. I don't know why something as simple as a conversation with him, makes me feel all bubbly inside. He has me acting like a high school teenager.

I thought deep about my feelings for Shawn and they excited me but scared me at the same time. I don't know if I should even consider being with him seeing as how I cant afford to get my feelings hurt again and I don't want to start a cycle of bringing men in and out of Erin's life.

I pondered with myself for a while before I pulled up to Shawn's beautiful home. I know my home is gorgeous but his is drop dead gorgeous. I stepped out the car and walked up to the door. I was about to ring it when Shawn opened it. I smiled at him and immediately reached out for a hug. It felt so good to be wrapped in his arms as if it was home.

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