My Name is Alexis Zander Hamilton

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(Images are from Szin's animatics. Go watch her on YouTube.)

I rushed through the door of social studies class, and hopped into my seat just as the bell rang. I threw my backpack down and opened up my notes folder. Dang, I was almost late. My friend Ariana was already in here and made a face at me. I stuck out my tongue. As usual, Ariana had been waiting at the door for the teacher to unlock it so she could get in. The social studies teacher walked in. She sat down behind her desk and laced her fingers.

"So it seems Alexis made it on time! Good job. But I believe we are still missing some students. Where  are Jen, Gilberta, and Hera?" Ms. Washington said. She raised an eyebrow as three girls stumbled into the room. One of them had curly hair and was of medium height. She had freckles spattered over her face, like someone flicked a paintbrush over her face. The next one was a bit taller, had her hair in a frizzy bun and wore a French shirt. The third one was also medium height, and had a bandana keeping her hair out of her eyes. She had a bunch of cute little symbols embroidered on her backpack. The three sat down, the freckled girl sat in a desk next to me. They must be new. But then again, so was I.

"I'm sorry Ms. Washington! Lots of people in the hallways. Also, Laf had to stay after in English...jeezy creezy..." The freckled girl said. Ariana slumped down on her desk and raised her head to look briefly at Ms.Washington. The other two nodded their heads vigorously at the freckled girl's excuse. The one with the frizzy bun went to speak, then faltered.

"Oui...mean, yes, Madame Washington. I was kept back to pronounce the English words again." The frizzy bun girl said with a thick french accent. The third girl was weaving yarn together between her fingers. 

"I'll forgive you today, Jen, Hera, Gilberta, but I expect you to be on time by Wednesday!" Ms.Washington said. She stood up and turned on the projector.

"Today we will be learning about the Civil War. Does anyone have any prior knowledge about this?" Mrs.Washington said. The freckled girl, Jen, raised her hand.

"It was a fight for freedom for slaves." She said. Ariana sighed.

"Ms.Burr! You have something you would like to add?" Mrs.Washington said. Ariana shook her head. Ms.Washington nodded. She went on further to talk about what people fought in the Civil War and Why it was fought, going over what Jen had said. Eventually I grew bored. I had learned the basics when I was still in the sixth grade. I eventually fell asleep.

Images of something strange flitted. A person. Curly hair, freckles. Jen? Jen...familiar, but not...Jen.....John. Who was John? And why was this girl I'd never seen before somehow so familiar?  Ariana I was friends with, but only because she'd been tutoring me in class before to catch me up. 

"Alexis!" A voice said. I opened my eyes and lifted my head. Ms.Washington was in front of my desk. "See me after class." She said. I nodded glumly. Ariana Snickered. My name is Alexis Zander Hamilton. And I just got told to see the teacher after class. 

After class, I walked up to the teacher's desk and Ms.Washington sat there. She turned to face me.

"Alexis, I know that you are a bit ahead of other students, because of Ariana's training, but that doesn't permit you to sleep in class. You should be learning, and at least, if not learning, doing something productive, such as reading or writing. I would hope my lectures aren't too boring." Mrs.Washington said. I shook my head. She nodded and I was dismissed from class finally. I walked down towards the lunchroom. It was already full of noise and bustling students ranging from sixth graders to the refined...hmmmm....intriguing twelfth graders. I walked towards the end of the lunch hall and sat down at a table. Ariana was talking to her friend group, which did not include me. I wrote about the newest stuff going on in politics. Part of a blog I kept, HammyWrites. I typed in my latest rant about the current political system. Pressed publish and closed my iPad. Lunch still had ten minutes to go. 

"Excusez-moi, mes amis et moi pouvons-nous rester assis ici?" Someone said. I looked up. The three girls were there. It seems Frizzy bun had spoken. I nodded. She smiled and sat down, the other two following. Frizzy bun pulled out a box and opened it. Inside was a number of fancy french foods.

"Girl, that food is for a fancy dinner party, not a school lunch hour!" The girl with the bandana said. Frizzy bun laughed and picked up her croissant sandwich. She took a bite out of it and then handed some of her macarons to bandana-ed girl and freckled girl, or Jen.

"So, who're you? I'm Jen Laurens." The freckled girl said. She pointed at frizzy bun. "This is Marquess Gilberta du Motier de Lafayette." Then she pointed at the bandana-ed girl. "And that's Hera Cleeves Mulligan." Lafayette handed me a macaron.

"I'm...Alexis. Alexis Zander Hamilton. It's nice to meet you." I said. Lafayette handed me another macaron. I took it and took a bit of it. It was amazing, like, crunchy, but in a sweet way...not a hard crunchy but like a soft crunchy. My face may have gone into permanent shock. Jen laughed.

"She hasn't had a macaron before? But they are like five bucks at your local supermarket bakery." Hera said. Lafayette snickered. Then handed me another one.

"Ah, mon ami Hera, these are homemade macarons, not your standard petty store fare." Lafayette said. Then she looked back at me. "You can call me Lafayette or Laf. It's easier than my real full name." I nodded in amazement. Jen was eating out of a turtle lunchbox. Hera had a school lunch. I was typing a new post on HammyWrites. There was an interesting feeling when I looked at Jen. I just met her, but it feels like I've known her for a long time. Lafayette, that name was familiar too. As well as their last names. I guess maybe I read it in a book or something. Lunch ended, and we all walked towards our next class that we all had together. It was science. Jen was brimming with excitement. I couldn't be out of there fast enough. I preferred Social studies and English. Those are classes where I could write and study history. Eventually the day ended and I realized that I didn't have the numbers of my new friends so I couldn't be able to talk to them this weekend. But whatever. I didn't have time this weekend. Hamilton, the Broadway musical had come to my city. I was seeing it this Saturday with my mom, sorry, caretaker and...Ariana.

"How was school today?" I said to myself. The woman on the couch grumbled. I sat down and pulled out my homework. I finished that in an hour then went to my room to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack. Tomorrow, 6pm, I'd be off to the theater with Ariana and well...the caretaker lady. I don't even know her name. I dozed off on my bed while listening to the tunes of Hamilton and Heathers. 

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