Right Hand Pan

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(You know the spiel. It's from Szin. Go watch her. Narration: Ms.Washington)

"And the winner of the November Writing Month is Alexis Hamilton!" I shouted. Everyone cheered. Alexis came up onto the stage, where I handed her the paper. She turned it around and smiled at the crowd. Then people, such as Jen and Lafayette and Hera came up and took Alexis down to the seats and then I looked at the next award. Ariana? What did she  win? All I knew was that she was kind of a pretentious fool. I know, as a teacher I shouldn't be unfair....but Ariana was proud. For graduating to mostly high school classes. Yeah, it was impressive... but..Oh wait. I think the principal just said something.

"Ms.Washington, would you like to introduce the next award this year?" The principal asked again. I nodded.

"And the winner of spelling the longest word in the world by memory only is Ariana Burr!" I said. Burr came up and then she smiled at the crowd. I could see Alexis and her friends hissing, booing and basically looking like a herd of feral cats. Wait, no, clowder. I raised an eyebrow and they quieted. Ariana walked off stage. Jen, walked on stage and accepted her reward for caring for the school pets. Then the assembly ended. Wooh! It was November. Just a month away from the winter's ball, and the kids were so excited. I couldn't care less. We were still fighting George Middle school to not be shut down. I went to my room. There I closed my eyes, a solid ten minutes before class started. And when I opened my Eyes? I don't know what happened.

"Excuse me sir." Some one said. He was a bit of a silly looking man. But he had the 1700's clothing. I looked at him with wary regard and with no control opened my mouth.

"Who are you?" I said. The man nodded.

"Aaron Burr, sir. Permission to explain my case?" The man said. He brought out papers. THis was freaking Aaron Burr, the person who did so much good and so much evil?

"Sure." I said. Aaron smiled.

"I was a captain under General Montgomery...until...he y'know... I was thinking I could be your assistant. You know, how to fight instead of running away?" Aaron said. I looked at him in silence. He opened his mouth to speak again, when a young man of no more than twenty burst in.

"Sir! You wanted to see me?" He said. I looked at him and nodded.

" Hamilton, come in. Have you met Burr?" I said. The two stared at each other with a hatred that would only be mirrored later on.

"Yes sir. We keep meeting." Hamilton said through gritted teeth. He looked back at me, but kept glancing at Burr.

"As I was saying your Excellency, I look forward to seeing your strategy play out." Burr said. I looked at him, tiredly.

"Burr, close the door on your way out" I said. Burr grimaced but left. Hamilton looked at me in wonder.

"What do you need, your Excellency?" He said. I looked at him.

"I need help. We need everything we can get." I said. Hamilton nodded.

" I've stolen British cannons, I have three friends, a french commander, a tailor spy, and a semi-rich boy." Hamilton said. I sighed.

"It'll have to do. Do you have any sort of plans that could help?" I said. Hamilton grinned.

"Well, I mean, We'll need to be sneaky, like, spies, we'll need supplies, we need to ambush people, and I can organize your information so we have a sense of order and can better fight." Hamilton said. I nodded. Then I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, voila, I was in the classroom again. It had only been a few minutes. Ariana entered the classroom.

" I noticed you had an ad requesting a TA. Can I be your TA, Ms.Washington?" She said. She opened her mouth again. " I have so many ideas for how this classroom can be managed."

And the Alexis burst in. This was so familiar.

"Ms.Washington, you requested I meet you here?" Alexis said. I nodded.

"Uh huh." I said. Alexis looked at Ariana then back at me.

"Why is Ariana here?" She said. I sighed.

" Ariana wanted to be my TA, but I think...I'll interview you. Ariana, tell me." I said. Ariana burst into unintelligible talk about...hallways, tardies, punishment...ugh. "OK, thank you. Close the door on your way out and wait for class."

"Ok." Ariana said. I looked at Alexis as Ariana closed the door.

"In all reality, I want you to be the TA. For instance, you are incredibly inventive, bright, friendly...You are perfect for the job." I said. Alexis looked at me in wonder and then looked at the door.

"Ma'am...I don't know what to say. I accept." She said. I smiled and we shook hands. Then I went outside of the class room. I ripped the poster off and threw it into the recycling. Then I sat behind my desk again. Class would begin in a couple of minutes, leaving me foisted with 30 kids who were bored and knew swear words. Alexis was there and she pulled out a stool to sit on. Then she watched as students came in in a screaming mob. I silently pleaded for a more peaceful class, alas not happening. I brought out my papers and looked at Alexis. She grinned and looked back at the class.

"I'm the new TA!" She said. Three students cheered in the back. Ariana, was in the front and grumbled. A fourth student in the back was clapping.

"Yes, good job!" The student said. It was a boy, in a blue shirt. I think I recognized him. Elijah Schuyler? Maybe.

"Thanks." Alexis said. I smiled.

"Would we like to get to our lesson at hand?" I said. Alexis looked back at me.

"Yes Ma'am." Alexis said. She sat on her stool and then basically watched the class like a hawk. I coughed at this, and she relaxed.  I taught about slavery. I don 't think it was appreciated as much as it could have been. BUt anyways, they sat through that, and when they all left, Ariana approached my desk.

"Ms.Washington? May I at least know why I wasn't picked for TA?" She said. I looked at her, and interlocked my fingers.

"Well, Alexis had some more of the traits I was looking for, and while you have many ideas for this school, you'd be better off talking to the principal for that." I said. Ariana nodded and flounced off. I checked the attendance list. Ok, that boy in the blue shirt was Elijah Schuyler. Didn't he have brothers? Or maybe...eh. I could ignore it. I basically spent the rest of the day teaching, and so forth that was how the week went, me teaching and Alexis watching people and reminding them to behave. Before I knew it, it was December. And everyone at the school buzzed with excitement, even teachers. To be honest I couldn't wait for Christmas break. I was walking around when I saw Ariana and Alexis dancing in the halls. I don't know what they were doing, and I was a bit too busy to care at the moment. But, the Winter's Ball rolled around, and everyone was happy it finally came. I was relieved I wouldn't have to see people dancing in the halls and talking about how excited they were. It was not as good as you expected.

Reincarnation: a Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now