Author's Note

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Hello, dedicated readers and fellow Hamilton fans. As you can see, this is not an update, nor will there be anymore updates to this book.

To be completely honest with you, I wrote this when I was in seventh grade. During gym class, in fact. I was obsessed and a mess and helpless. Still am, though not as severely, as I don't blast three hours of historical raps and Alexander's life story round the clock as often.

Never fear, though! I have decided that while I am abandoning this draft of the story, I do intend to do a massive rewrite and finish. I have learned so much more over the past years, and the good part of writing what you know, is that you can always know more.

I do have one question for you.

Do you want me to continue with the characters as seventh graders, or would you like it if I updated them to a high school or college level, even though that's overdone like burnt toast and eggs?

And, finally.

I will be routinely polling you all for advice! I cannot be everywhere at once people, I'm in dire need of assistance, being a taken unmotivated writer, I don't usually allot time to writing projects. (Evidence including my many attempts to write my original story down...)

So please comment your response to this first question, and add on any additions and changes you'd like to see in the rewrite!

Thank you!


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