The Story of The Kite Reprise (Oh Boy.)

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(Szin. Watch. Narration: Alexis)

After the massive fire, ok, maybe not that massive, but after the fire, we all went back inside and continued our tasks until school, finally, finally ended. I was still mad about Elijah and Angelo. But hey! I was at least happy. Somewhat. Jen said we should celebrate. Her turtle's birthday. Sometimes I wonder if her sanity is okay. It's fine. I brought some...kale smoothies. Y'know, I wanted to support Jen's Turtle. Shellby. I don't really like that turtle. It bit me. Twice. And it hurts. 

I arrived at the house at 4:30 pm, With a turtle-y gift. Jen greeted me at the door.

"Alexis! I didn't think you'd come because of Shellby biting you." She said. She pulled me inside. I looked around. Hera had put a little turtle coat on Shellby, Laf was singing to Shellby:

"Joyeux anniversaire à la tortue shelby !!!!!!" Laf chanted. She danced around in circles. And in the corner, looking mortified was Ariana. She was hiding, no doubt. I walked into the living room and flopped on the couch next to Shellby. I put the box next to her. Shellby crawled over and opened the box.

"What is it, Shells?" Jen said. She looked. "Alexis! You shouldn't have!" 

"What else could I have done?" I said. I'd bought Shellby some premium turtle treats. Like, the expensive kind. 5$ per bag. For a turtle, that's something. I smiled, as Shellby attacked the bag. Jen pulled it away from her.

"Not yet, Shells." She said. Then she hugged me. I brought out the bag with the kale smoothies. Everyone but Ariana took one. I had put a little something extra in there. Peppers. Except for the one I grabbed. Jen and Hera and Laf drank the smoothies. Then Jen coughed. Hera looked at the smoothie. Laf continued drinking hers.

"But, peppers? How could you, Alexis?" Hera said. Jen coughed, then went to get water. Laf just continued sipping.  

"Mon ami. Good job." She said. Then she poured the rest into her mouth. Ariana blinked and attempted to hide behind the couch. I blinked and was in a different place.

"Hey Alex....Do you remember that time when Herc *Deleted by Author* The *Deleted by Author* By the first five hundred *Deleted by Author*?" John Laurens said. He stumbled up to me. I knew now I was just supposed to play along, and watch. An interactive movie. I nodded, and John hiccuped.

"MON AMI I'M FLOATING!' Lafayette said. In reality, Hercules was holding him in the air and they were running around. I sipped from my mug and then blinked, transporting me back into reality. 

"Alexis? You okay?" Jen said. She looked at me. "Another relive moment?" We called them relive moments because we were literally reliving them in a sense. I nodded and then Someone handed me a cup with the kale smoothie inside it. I sipped it. It was mine. The one without pepper in it. Then I set it down and looked outside.

"This is my first time seeing snow." I said abruptly. The rest of the people here looked at me.

"Oh that's right, you're from the Caribbean. You've never seen snow before!" Laf said. She handed me a scarf, and a jacket. "What say we go outside and explore the snow?" 

"That's an elementary activity, Laf." Herc said. She then looked thoughtfully. "Think it's compactable enough to make an igloo? Or a snowman?"

"There's only one way to find out." Jen said. She ran into her room. When she came out she had several hats, coats, and mittens and scarves of varying sizes. I tried them on. Green. Ha. Hamilton's color. Laf tried hers on. Too short. Hera tried hers on and found them a bit too short, but manageable. Jen threw on a scarf, jacket and mittens, then placed Shellby back into her tank. We looked at Ariana.

"I'll pass, thanks all the same." Ariana said. She looked at Shellby. "I'll just watch the turtle."

"OK, whatever. But when you get bored and want to join us..." Jen said. Laf opened her mouth.

"YOU CAN'T!" She shouted, and we rushed outside, whooping and hollering. I looked at Jen. Couldn't quite tell if she was blushing because she was with me, or if she was cold. We built an igloo. It was small though. Only one person could be there at a time. And then we built a snowman. Er...Snowlady. We danced around it until Jen sneezed.

"This reminds me of Sweden." Jen said. I looked at her strangely.

"You went to Sweden?" I said. She nodded.

"When I was only a little baby." She said. Then she looked inside. "We should head back. I'm getting cold." 

"Well, you're cold and I'm hot, so let's cuddle by the fire." I said. Jen smirked.

"Really the best you could come up with?" Jen said. I nodded, and we headed inside. Laf and Hera stayed out for a few more minutes before they came inside. Their faces were flushed.

"It's really cold out there." Laf said. Then Hera laughed.

"But my girlfriend here said she'd make us French hot chocolate, so we're good." Hera said. Then she sat down on the couch. I grabbed Jen's hand. She looked at me.

"I know what this time is." I said, Jen narrowed her eyes.

"What?" She said. I looked around the room.

"It's like, the Story of Tonight Reprise. Which means, if everything goes accordingly..." I said. I looked At Ariana. Jen looked at her too. Then we looked at each other.

"Well, Ariana Burr!" Jen said. She came over. "I heard you got some British boy to love you." She said. Ariana blushed.

"What's this?" I said. Jen smiled.

"Ariana's got a boyfwiend." Jen said. Ariana looked at the wall.

"He's not my Boyfriend. Theodore someone else." Ariana said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Who?" I said. Ariana coughed.

"A British girl. She's like, a member of the student council in the UK. They are visiting because of the Principal of George middle school telling them to watch us." Ariana added. I frowned.

"Why don't you go after him?" I said. Ariana shook her head. I knew the answer. Sadly, due to Hamilton, I already knew the answer.

"I can't, he's....planning on marrying her soon." Ariana said.

"But...How? They are barely 16, or even 18 yet!" I said. Ariana sighed.

"Yep." She said. Then she grabbed her stuff and walked out the door. I stared after her, then looked back at Jen.

"....Cuddles by the fire?" I said. Jen smiled.

"Only, if you sing Baby it's cold outside with me." Jen said. We did. We then fell asleep. On the couch. Jen's mom, slowly shifted me to the ground. Probably wanted me to be comfortable. Ah well. The floor did have a nice thick carpet, and unfortunately, while we slept, a certain turtle made it's way out of the house. And boy, did we get yelled at for that.

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