Stay Five

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(Szin. Watch. Narration: Alexis)

"Still, that harlot shouldn't have touched you." I said. Jen grumbled.

"It's fine. Besides you remind me of a story." Jen said. She wrapped herself tighter in her blanket burrito. I smiled.

"Well, then tell me." I said. Jen nodded and began.

"My mama always told me it was better to stay young. To stay five years old." Jen said.


(Lol, we're switching to Laurens.)

"Jen Katherine Laurens!" My mom said. She looked at me sternly. "Don't make your mother worry. I've got enough gray hairs as it is." She sighed. She wasn't that old. Gray hairs? Just a joke. I shouldn't make her worry though. 

"I wish I was as old as you. Then I'd know better and be able to make decisions." I said. My mother laughed, it was a light laugh, full of cheer and happiness, despite her earlier comment on gray hair. 

"No, no sweetie. Stay five. Better to keep your youth and exuberance. I will educate you so you aren't ignorant, but please. Stay five years old. Even if you do grow up, stay young at heart." My mother said. She patted me on the head, and I jumped out to the playground. I didn't want mama to have gray hair over my injuries. I was a strong five year old. I ran up to the group of kids who I was friends with. We were gonna play princes and princesses. Being a girl, I was told I had to be a princess. Not fair. I begged to be a prince. I wasn't fit for dresses and maidenly screaming. No one but my mother cared. After the first five minutes of arguing of whether I could be a prince or not, the kids kicked me out and I sat on a bench. Another kid approached me.

"Hi! I'm Hera. Do you want to play the prince and the pauper?  It's my favorite fairy tale." A girl said. She had a headband with a bow on top of her hair, and a t-shirt and shorts combo. I nodded. "OK. You can be whatever you want!" She shouted. I said I'd be the prince. And so, we acted it out. I placed on her headband.

"And I'll be the pauper. You can be the prince in my place!" I said, saying my line of text. Hera had brought the book with her. 


"So that's how you met Hera!" Alexis said. I nodded from my burrito.

"Yeah. Sunnytree park." I said. Then thought for a moment. "It's a good picnic spot. Maybe in the summer we should go there." Alexis nodded.

"Sounds great to me. As long as our souls decide to let us dictate stuff. Not be trapped to some specific events." Alexis said. She slung her arm around me, and turned on the tv.

"Danger Mings. It's about haunted Ming vases taking their anger out on four girls and a boy named Seven." I said. Alexis coughed.

"Sounds like a rip-off of another tv show I know." Alexis said. She flicked through a bunch of channels and picked an anime.

"A Netflix date?" I said. Alexis nodded. "With Hera and Laf passed out on the couch upstairs. It's like what, 3 am?" I added. Alexis nodded again.

"Only the silliest of things." she said. She sighed as we eased into binge-watching anime. 


"It's morning." Alexis said. She handed me a plate of food. " Eggs? And...I think this is bacon? I prepared it like bacon."

"Yeah. Powdered eggs and vegetarian friendly bacon." I said. Alexis rolled her eyes in disgust.

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