Satisfi-OH MY GOD FIRE!!!

417 7 14

(Szin. Watch. Narration: Angelo)

"I'm sorry." Elijah said, his back retreating. He looked at Alexis. She was glaring back at him, pure hatred emanating. I couldn't believe what just happened.

"Elijah..." I said in a soft whisper. I looked at the crowd. "Go away, you don't need to see anything." I said icily. I sneered, and they left. There was a young lady who rolled her eyes. I shrugged and walked after Elijah. He was in the yard, and there were two very angry ladies looking at him. One of them was that sweet Alexis, oh how my heart ached looking at her. I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm so sorry. I can't...I don't know what happened to me. Please forgive me." Elijah said. I watched from the doorway. The sun was still high in the sky, but I was being sneaky. 

"I forgive you." The girl who wasn't Alexis said.

"I'm Jen Laurens. You're Elijah Schuyler, yeah?" The girl said. Alexis rolled her eyes.

"Next time keep your hands off my girlfriend, floozy." Alexis said, and she pulled Jen close. Jen blushed. But, she just called Elijah a...harlot! A vixen! A hussy! I walked up, pretending I hadn't heard anything.

"Hello! Have you cleared that up?" I said. I put my hand on Elijah's shoulder, and he tensed up. He turned around.

"Angelo, it's fine." He said. Then he turned around. " I am sorry, Miss Laurens." Elijah added, he bowed and walked back inside. I looked at Alexis.

"That was uncalled for." I said. She sighed.

"Uh-huh, keep your brother in check. He touched my girlfriend where no one touches." Alexis said. She wrapped her arm around Jen's waist, and they walked off. They were in love, and I wish I was too. I walked back inside, to find Elijah in a corner. He was crying. Then there were two other girls. Miss Lafayette and Miss Mulligan, two confirmed friends of Alexis. They were comforting him.

"Mon ami, Alexis doesn't have much control over her temper. She can get fired up and offended easily." Lafayette said. Mulligan handed my brother a silken handkerchief embroidered with a cat. He took it and wiped his eyes and face.

"T-thank you." He murmured. I was also going to go over there to comfort him as any good brother would have done, but I was yanked over. I saw the Social Studies teacher Ms. Washington briefly before I was pulled into the office.

"ANGELO! Why didn't you control your brother?" My mother said. She gripped my by the ear and looked at the principal. "I'm so sorry, he should know better, and be able to monitor his brother." 

"Madam, May I suggest releasing your son?" The principal said. I was released, but my ear throbbed. I looked for a chair and sat down.

"I'm terribly sorry for my son's behavior. I will discipline him at home." My mother said.  I cringed. That meant no good. The principal nodded at me dismissing me. I nodded and left.

"Miss Schuyler, may I suggest th—" the principals started, before the door closed. I walked back to my brother. He was gone. And then I looked outside. Alexis and Jen were there. They were cuddling , looking at the sky. I stared at Alexis a moment longer than left. She was gay. There was no fighting over it. I walked fast, not looking ahea of me that I bumped into another person. She tumbled down.

"Huh! Be careful, jerk!" She said. She stood up and walked off. It was that one person from before. I sat down on the steps and closed my eyes.

"I'll go talk to him, Elizabeth." I say. I walk up to a man with auburn hair, and when he turns around, brilliant violet blue eyes. I'm unable to control any movements or sounds that come out of my mouth. It's like a Virtual reality, without being able to move or talk the way you want. I'm also...A woman. I'm holding onto this man's arm, he's a gentleman. I have some sort of strong feelings for him as well. That of love? Desire? I bring him over to another girl.

"This is my sister, Elizabeth Schuyler." I say. The man bows to her and then says his name.

"Alexander Hamilton." He says. I blink. This is Alexander Hamilton? Not some stuffy dead white guy? He's beautiful. But...well, it seems the girl, Elizabeth is in love with him. I smile, then leave.

"He's so wonderful, but he's poor, he's not as successful, he's...everything my father would not like." I say. I am outside on a balcony. I look up at the stars. His violet blue eyes flash back. There isn't much inside me now, but sadness. I can give him up for Eliza. She's my lovely sister, and I know her back and forth. I will give him to her.

"Hello." Someone says. I blink. I'm back in my own body, time and place again. I look up. That someone is the girl from before.

"Hi... I'm Jenna Churchill. Do you want to grab a hot chocolate with me later?" She says. I frown then smile. This is the girl I love now. Alexis maybe forever happy as she is. Whether with Elijah, Which is unlikely, or With that girl.

"That would be lovely, Miss Churchill." I say. Then We spend the rest of the school time just reading. Or at least, that's what I hoped. The fire alarm goes off.

"Miss Churchill, Come." I say, and we bolt down the hallway towards the door. Hundreds of other students are also rushing to get out. I make it out the doors and run to the appointed place. I turn back. Some of the School is actually on fire! But why? How? I look around but there's no one I know, except for Heath, the cheerleader captain. He's rushing out the door, his friends behind him. I walk over to the sign on the block. I see Elijah running towards me. He is dragging a girl behind him.

"SorryI'mlateIfoundagirlshe'scoolAlexisismadatme,I'msosorry,comeonMs.Doe!" Elijah said.  He ran off. I looked around for Ms.Churchill. She wasn't around. I looked at the crowd to the left. Several girls are over there. I'll go look over... She might be there. I walked over. No sign. I looked for that group, but they were gone. 

"Brother?" Some one says. I look down. It's Peter. Of course. I pat him on the head.

"Don't worry." I say. This is the first fire the teachers have told me, 20 years. "Lets go find Elijah." I say. Peter nods and we start walking off when the teachers start pointing at the building. A large banner is hanging over the school, printed with the words:


But why? Why would they attempt to burn the school down? Petty revenge? I hug Peter tightly. He shouldn't have to have a fire at a school happen so soon. Darn, I was hoping for a peaceful year.

"Hey! Harlot's brother!" A voice says. I whip around. It's Alexis. "Glad to see you made it out alive." She says. She turns away. Strange. Why so friendly now? Does a life-threatening event make her nicer to people? Eh, She still called me harlot's brother so not that nicer... THen the teachers start signaling for us to go back into the school. Great!

Reincarnation: a Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now