Help, Mess!

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(Heh, its gif this time, so sorry if your computers and phones and whatever don't load....Szin again. Go watch. Narration: Elijah)

I'm sitting on a chair at a table, when I see a wonderful lady walking around. She's like an angel from heaven! My heart melted. She's so pretty. I look around for Angelo. When I see him, and the young lady? She's talking to him. He's blushing. He can't have her. That girl is mine. I see the girl leave. Ha, he probably scared her off. Me? I would treat her like royalty. I rush up to Angelo. His face is still flushed in some places. I grab him by the arm. Then point at the girl.

"That's mine, Brother." I say. Angelo nods.

"She's very pretty." Angelo says. He ruffles his hair. Not that he needs to, its already curly. I scowl.

"She's mine." I say. Angelo snickers.

"How long have you had an infatuation with her?" He says. I blush.

"A month or so..." I say. Angelo coughs. 

"Dude....seriously. She's adorable. You should totally go after her." Angelo said. I didn't expect him to be so understanding. It seemed like he liked her, but whatever, I'll pursue her. I turn back around, and I see her...kissing a girl? The heck? Angelo is shocked, but not as much as I am. I look back at Angelo, but he's gone striding off. He talks to the girl and then comes back.

"So, Buddy, she's gay," He says, and I immediately droop. "But, she says she might be Bi." And I perk up. I gasp, as I look back at her.

"She's beautiful!" I shout. Angelo droops down.

"Shut the heck up. You are being way too loud." Angelo said. I nodded in embarrassment.

" I can't help it, she's so beautiful. Like, Like, she's pretty, and innocent looking, like a little butterfly."  I said. I clasp my hands close to my chest and close my eyes. "So cute, so...wonderful!" I say, and my hands spring out.

"Ow!" Angelo says. I turn around, I hit him on the nose. Oops.

"I'm sorry...." I said. Angelo shrugs.

"Just be more careful." He said and then he walked away. I gasped.

"You...mean to leave me alone?" I said. Angelo turned around and laughed.

"It's not like you are gonna be murdered, you'll be fine." Angelo said. I walked over to the side of the room where I could watch the girl from here. I don't...I don't even know her name...or wait, It's Alexis. Ah, such beauty. Alexis, meaning defender...she truly is, but she's struck me in the heart. I brush the wall, I close my eyes and when I open them again, I'm...not me. But I am. I'm in a dress. And...I'm a girl? No, a woman. My hair is much longer. Who, what?

"I'll go talk to him, Elizabeth." Another woman in a pink dress says. She walks over to a man, in his early twenties. I am in love with him. But, I'm a boy... I'm not gay. But then, I guess I'm in a woman's The man comes with my sister on his arm. I am overcome with intense feelings of dread and jealousy.

"This is my sister Elizabeth Schuyler." The woman says. I curtsy. I didn't even know I could do that. I look at the man's eyes. They are a brilliant blue. With a slight purple tinge. His hair is red, not like an orange but like auburn. He looks amazing. I look up at him. He bows.

"Alexander Hamilton." He said. I smile. My sister looks happy, then leaves.

"I think I may be in love with you, my dearest Miss Schuyler." Alexander says. I cry happily.

" You might be right in this case, Mr.Hamilton." I say, and fan myself. Such a flirt! He kisses my hand. We talk and dance for the rest of the night...and I blink. When my  eyes open, I'm looking at Alexis and...she looks so familiar, not like before, but more. I look for Angelo. He's over by a flower stand. I run up to him. 

"Hello Elijah. This is my friend, Ariana Burr." Angelo says. She gestures to a young woman, in my grade I think. I look at Angelo.

" Can you be my wingman?" I say. Angelo blinks.

"Don't you remember? She's gay, or at least a bi person." Angelo says laughing. I look at him, then at Alexis.

"I'm hoping for that bi chance." I said. Angelo facepalms.

"Alright." He says, and he walks up to Alexis. They talk for a minute, and I'm concerned with everything. Then she walks up, holding onto his arm, like a lady of the 1700's would, and I feel so jealous. But I don't know why. She smiles at me.

"This is my brother, Elijah Schuyler." Angelo says. I bow to Alexis. Her eyes are not blue when I look up, nor is her hair any shade of orange or red. Her eyes were dark brown, her hair the same. I think that she looks like a cat, almost. I smile. She smiles back. 

"Alexis Hamilton." She says. She twirls around. SOO CUTE.

"I think I may be in love with you, Miss Hamilton." I said. Alexis fanned herself, then leaned closer to me.

"I think there might be something there..." She said, then winked. I blushed. What was she thinking?

"Uh, what?" I said. Alexis leaned forward and kissed me. AND OH MY GOD. Then she skipped away. "I think that I may be in love with her." I said. Angelo facepalmed.

"You've said that many times already this night, brother." He said. He patted me on the back. "It's okay, we'll sway her to your side."

"Really?" I said. I looked at Alexis. She's dancing with a girl in a green dress. I wipe my eyes and notice I have tears.

"On second thought, we're both out of luck." Angelo says. I smile.

"I suppose so, she did say that she was gay. Or at" I say, as I walk away, fighting back tears for this broken love. My heart needs more than a few band-aids now. But I guess I respect that girl's wishes. But, that girl is mine. I'd fight my brother for her, so why shouldn't I fight That girl in the green dress? I turn around and stride up to Alexis and her friend. Her...friend. My....enemy. I shove the two apart. Alexis frowned.

"Hey, Elijah, what are you doing?" Alexis said. She looked at me in confusion. Her friend in a green dress falls down, no doubt tripping on the many petticoats. I look at her friend.

"Alexis is mine. Fight me for her." I said. The girl in a green dress had freckles and fluffy curly hair. She stood up and cracked her knuckles.

"Fine. I'll switch to my normal clothing. Meet me in the yard in an hour. " The girl said. She bustled off to the bathroom, and a sudden realization occured.

"Ayo, what the heck was that about?" Alexis said, she rushed off after the girl. "Jen! Jen!"

"Well, This is on you, Elijah." Angelo said, as he laid a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"Wait, I didn't... I just...." I said. I looked at the crowd around me.

"Mr.Elijah. Go apologize to that young woman." Mrs.Washington said. I nodded. She'd expect me to go to the yard. I may as well meet her there. I walked to the doors that led out to the yard. I turned back to Alexis.

"I'm sorry." I called back. Alexis glowered. Ouch, no way was I winning her love now...

Reincarnation: a Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now