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Darkness...That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, and it was cold, and I was scared.

Suddenly, you gasp for air as you wake up. You look around and see that you had washed up to shore, the waves of the sea washing over you.
You stand up and look around to see there was not a soul in sight. You look down at the wet sand and see a necklace nearby. You reach down and brush off the sand to realize the pendant was in the shape of a seashell. 

Then something told you to look up, so you do and see the moon shining so bright down upon you.

But then, I saw the moon - it was so big, and it was so bright, it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did, I wasn't scared anymore.

You take in your surroundings, only to see large trees. Curiousity getting the better of you, you place the necklace around your neck then towards the woods, hoping there are people nearby that could help you.

Eventually, you come up to a small village and see alot of people walking about. You smile and run over to the people. "Hello? Can you help me? I was washed up on shore and I don't know where I am?" You said as you walk up to a few people but they act like you're not even there, like you're invisible.

"Hello? C-c-can you hear me?" You asked a woman just as a man walks right through you. You jumped and gasped at this. You look at the man then towards the woman and try to reach out to her but your hand goes right through her. 

You gasped in fright as you look at your hand. You take a few steps back and you take in your surroundings as you start to hyperventilate and tears form into your eyes. "No, no, no...this can't be...." you whispered in terror when suddenly the weather turns from a clear starry sky to really cloudy, thunder rolling in the distance.

"That's odd, there wasn't a cloud in the sky a moment ago." You hear a man comment as you look up and see rain falling down upon you and the people as your tears streamed down your cheeks.

Why I was there and what I was meant to do that I'd never know...and a part of me wonders if I ever will.

Out the corner of your eyes, you saw a blue light. You look down to see it was your necklace emanating the blue glow. You run your hands over your face, thinking that this is all just a bad dream, just as the wind starts to pick up and the villagers start to cry out in fear as they start to take cover in their homes.

Shaken, you began to run away from the village and towards another part of the woods. At that moment, a large gust of wind comes at you, picks you up and starts to guide you away, making you fly in the air. You let out a scream just as the wind stops and you fall into a small lake. 

You swim back up to the surface and cough and gasp for air when the water started to part, almost like it was clearing a path for you. Confused, you take small steps towards the shore. Once you get out, the water settles. "What's going on?" You whispered to yourself then you start to make your way to the woods.

My name is (y/n) Storm. How do I know that? The moon told me so. That was all he ever told me. And that was a long, long time ago.

298 Years Later

Music plays inside the large icy fortress as a large white bearded man, with his right arm tattooed with the word Naughty and on his left arm was Nice, slams a block of ice, with tongs, on his work table then he picks up a chainsaw and began shaping it. This was North, aka Santa Claus.

Three Elves huddle in a doorway around a plate of cookies, each licking their own tasty morsel. "Still waiting for cookies!" North exclaims as he crosses the room. The elves then lower the cookies from their mouths, their faces frozen in fear.

Rise of the Guardians (Jack Frost x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now