Chapter 9: We Are Guardians

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Pitch groans in pain, and rises up to see the town crawling with Dreamsand creatures, snowballs flying and yetis playing. "No." He yells and he whips around to see the kids having the time of their lives, no fear in their eyes. He rises up, his entire body shaking with rage, and screams at them. "You dare have fun in my presence! I am the Boogeyman! AND YOU WILL FEAR ME!" 

He lunges at Jamie who come running toward him, Pitch's hands outstretched as if he's going to grab him by the throat. But Jamie runs right through him, laughing, joyous. "Noooo!" Pitch gasps, realizing that he no longer has any power over the children. The devastation plays across his face. "No." He says under his breath. 

He sees you and the Guardians approach, standing side by side with one another. Pitch turns and flees into the forest. He runs through the shadows in terror until he comes crashing through the trees of the forest, and out onto the ice of the pond. He looks over his shoulder to see if you or the Guardians are on his tail, when he runs smack into North's chest. Pitch slips on the ice, and falls backwards.

He looks up to see North smiling down at him. "Leaving the party so soon?" North asked. "You didn't even say goodbye." said Tooth and she tosses something to Pitch, which he catches. He looks down to see it's a quarter. "A quarter?" He asked until Tooth punches him right in the jaw, and a single tooth goes skittering across the ice. Tooth shakes out her hand. "And that's for my fairies." She mutters.

"You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!" Pitch yelled. "So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear!" North informed him. "Really? Then what are they doing here?" Pitch asked as hundreds of Nightmares emerge from the woods, surrounding the pond. It's terrifying, but you, Jack and the Guardians are unphased.
"They can't be my Nightmares, I'm not afraid." North said then you look over at Pitch and said, smiling. "Looks like it's your fear they smell."

Suddenly, Pitch's eyes get huge with terror as the Nightmares move in on him. He begins to back away, but the Nightmares pick up speed as they charge toward him. "Ahhh, no....AAAAAHHHHHH!!" He screams as he tries to run, but it's impossible to get his footing on the ice. He falters, then is swept up in the stampede of Nightmares. The streaks of black whip and latch themselves onto Pitch as the black cloud carries him through the forest. "No, no, nooooooo!" Pitch struggles to escape, but the mass of black sand pulls him deep into the forest, under the frame of the broken bed, and back down into the dark depths of the underground. He looks up at the moon as he disappears and the hole in the earth seals itself up.

Pale and faint in the day, but oddly close and welcoming. Both you and Jack smile as you two look up at it. You hear Tooth's laugh and turn to find North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy, their faces shining with pride. Tooth comes flying in to give both of you a hug. She lifts you and him off the ground as you three embrace. She soon recoils with giddy embarrassment as Baby Tooth interjects. Jack acknowledges Baby Tooth and gently pats her on the side of her face. She comes up to you and you pat her head as North steps forward.

"Are you two ready now? To make it official." North said. You and Jack look over, a stern elf is hitting a horn against Jack's palm. A Yeti hands North the book while Sandy and Bunny share a boastful look. "Then is time both of you take Oath." North said as he opens the book, flips through several pages, and takes a moment before he speaks.

"Will you, Jack Frost and (y/n) Storm...vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your lives, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be." He said as Jamie and his friends along with a crowd of yetis, elves, and eggs all make their way across the pond to the rest of the group. Jamie stands at the center of the group. You and Jack take a second to look back at Jamie, then back to North.

"I will." You and Jack said in unison. Jamie and the kids erupt in a cheer, as do the Yetis and Eggs. "Yeah! Wooo! Good job, mates. Good job!" Bunny said as all the kids cheered for you and Jack. "Klasno!" North exclaims as he picks up you and Jack, gives you two a hug, and kisses both of you on both cheeks. Jack winces while you chuckle, then look up to North with a smile.

Imitating North, an elf picks up the elf standing next to him and gives both of you a big kiss. After an awkward pause, the affectionate elf is punched in the face. You look to see several fairies hovering nearby, forming the shape of a heart around you and Jack.
You and Jack look at each other, smile and hold each others hands before you lean up and kiss Jack. One of the swooning fairies faints and falls to the ground, you break the kiss and start to giggle at this. "Keep it together, girls." Tooth said to the fairies while the kids continue to cheer.

"That's Santa's sleigh." Monty pointed out as he looks up. The group looks up to the sky as North's sleigh comes in for a landing. The tie-dyed elf rescues a lone egg from the skis of the sleigh as it glides across the icy pond.
"Everyone loves the sleigh." Bunny said, wryly, while the kids ooohhh and awww'd the sleigh.

North turns away from Bunny and puts his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Time to go." He said to you two. As the kids look on in wonder, Sandy throws up his hands creating a shower of Dreamsand, which drifts down on the children.


"It's beautiful."

"Wow, that was awesome!"

Meanwhile, Bunny hands an egg to Sophie who giggles and pats the brim of his nose. "Happy Easter ya little anklebiter. I'm gonna miss yah." He said to her. "Bye, bye, bunny." Sophie said then Jamie realizes what's about to happen. "You're leaving? But...what if Pitch comes back?" He asked. "What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you--"

You and Jack go over and kneel down in front of him. "Hey, hey, slow down, slow down. You telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?" Jack asked him. "No." Jamie replied. "Okay, well do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?" You asked him. Jamie smiles and said. "No."

"We'll always be there, Jamie. And now...we'll always be here." Jack said as he points to Jamie's heart. "Which kind of makes you a Guardian too." You said, smiling. Jamie smiles as you and Jack stand up and head toward the sleigh. Jamie's friends stand off to the side rubbing their eyes as they become drowsy.

"Jack! (Y/N)!" Jaime shouts. He runs over and wraps his arms around Jack.
For a moment, Jack's astonished and then gives Jamie a warm embrace. Jack stands up as Jamie goes and hugs you, which you return the embrace as well. Then you stand up, take Jack's hand and get into the sleigh with the rest of the Guardians.

"Hyah!" North shouts as you, Jack and the Guardians look toward the kids while the sleigh takes off. Jamie runs behind the sleigh, following you and Jack. In spite of it all, he doesn't want to let go. The sleigh takes off into the sky and Jamie stops, unable to follow.

My name is (y/n) Storm.

And my name is Jack Frost.

And we are Guardians. How do we know that?

Because the moon told us so.

And when the moon tells you something, believe it.

Rise of the Guardians (Jack Frost x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now