Chapter 6: Preparing for Easter

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You, Jack and the Guardians plummet through Bunny's tunnels. You, Jack, Bunny and Tooth arrive gracefully in the warren's antechamber, while North and the yetis comes to a crashing halt. "Buckle up. Is very funny." North chuckles.

"Welcome to the warren--" Bunny started to say as he stands before you guys when suddenly, he shifts his attention. He turns, his ears perk up and his nose sniffs the air.
"Something's up." He mutters as a faint scream begins to echo from within the depths of one of Bunny's egg tunnels. Tiny eggs come scuttling out from the tunnel.

Bunny grabs his boomerang, North draws his sword, and Jack readies his staff as the sounds of booming footsteps, screams, and the rustling of foliage grows louder. Bunny begins to charge toward the tunnel. At his side are you, Jack, the Guardians, yetis, and sentinel eggs all bellowing your loudest battle cries until...Sophie bursts out. All momentum comes to a halt.

"Sophie?" You and Jack said, confused, as you guys stare at the young girl. The others immediately withdraw their weapons, mildly embarrassed. Sophie giggles and immediately runs after one of the elves. "Elf, elf, elf!" She exclaims.

"What is SHE doing HERE!!?" Bunny asked, frantically, then North looks down at his coat pocket. "Ah, snow globe." He said, embarrassed. "Crikey! Somebody do something!" Bunny shouts as he looks around at everyone. "Don't look at us, we're invisible, remember?" Jack said, gesturing between you and him, while Sophie giggles and drags the elf by the bell atop its uniform.

"Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth said then she flies up to Sophie. "It's okay little one." She cooed and Sophie looks at her in awe.
"Pretty!" She said, smiling. "Awww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is." Tooth said as she pulls something out. "Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them." She said. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as Sophie runs away screaming.

You and Jack laugh at this. "Blood and gums?" You chuckled. "When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" Jack asked the others. Meanwhile, Sophie is running around the warren, exploring and playing. Then she pokes her head into a small tunnel. "We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time....for children." North replied, embarrassed.

Jack walks toward her, forming a snowflake, which floats over toward Sophie and she tries to grab at it. "If one little kid can ruin Easter, then...we're in worse shape than I thought." You said as Jack chuckles. Sophie follows the snowflake as Jack leads it over to Bunny. The snowflake lands on Bunny's nose and his concerns suddenly seem to slip away, Jack's magic is taking affect.

Sophie and Bunny were looking at a flower, which opens up to reveal an egg. The egg stands up wobbly on its spindly little legs, Sophie watches this in amazement while Bunny looks on, proud. "You wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?" He asked the young girl. "Okay!" Sophie exclaims, happily.
"Come on then!" Bunny said, smiling, and they head over to a massive stone spire. The spire was covered in moss, and thousands of unpainted eggs stream down the side of it toward a green meadow.

You, North and Jack stand in the midst of it all, slack-jawed, as the eggs rush towards you three. "Rimsky Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs." North said, gob-smacked. "Uh, how much time do we have?" Jack asked just as Bunny hops by nearby, Sophie clinging to his back smiling, leading a huge mass of eggs down a wide path.

As he passes, flowers bloom on either side in his wake, blasting the passing eggs with color as they go. "Alright troops, it's time to push back. That means eggs! Everywhere!" Bunny said while North looks out over the eggs as they get sorted. "Single file!" North orders.

Sophie, on her back, is carried by the eggs through the sorting stones. She giggles as North waves at her while she passes by. "Heaps of you in every high-rise, farm house and trailer park!" said Bunny to the eggs. Baby Tooth flies across a multicolored stream, while you glide, on your feet, across the stream. "In tennis shoes and cereal bowls! Oh, there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!" Bunny shouts while Baby Tooth joins an elf, who stands alongside an egg at the edge of a cliff.

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