Chapter 1: Snow Day

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You were sitting on a cliff, looking at the ocean as the waves keep crashing on the shore. Kids running along the shore with their parents, giggling and screaming with delight as the water touches their toes. You smile at this when you heard a kid cry. 

You look over and see a young boy crying because a bigger kid knocked down his sand castle. The bigger kid stands over the kid with a smug smile on his face. Your face scrunches up as you wave your hand and a large wave of water comes up and knocks the bigger boy down. The young boy then begins to laugh as the water clears to reveal a starfish on the bigger boy's face. The bigger boy screams and runs away.

You smirk and giggle as you stand up and start walk along the cliff until a small cloud forms next to you. "Alright, I'm done here. Take me home, Cloudy." You said as you step on the cloud and sit down as it takes you away. 

You make it to the small town of Burgess and you noticed that the town was covered in snow. "Oh, a snow day! Time to visit an old friend." You mutter to yourself as you guide the cloud to take you lower. You make it to ground level, jumped off the cloud and pass a familiar pond as you walk down the street.

You look around at the beautiful white snow when you realized something. "Oh, Bunny is gonna be very angry at Jack for this snow. What with Easter just a few days away." You said to yourself as you hear a group of kids yelling. 

You run and see that the noise was coming from the backyard of a house where a young boy called Jamie lives.
You also see a familiar figure, with snowy white hair and wearing a blue hoodie and brown pants, walking along on top of the fence, holding his hooked staff. You smile to yourself as you walk up quietly, waiting to scare Jack. 

You met Jack a few days after you washed up on shore. He found you when you were sitting nearby the pond you fell in. You were feeling really lonely that day when you heard someone talking. "Aw, poor girl. Kinda wish she could see me...." the voice muttered. 

You jumped and looked around in fright. "Who's there?!" You asked until your gaze meets a young man with snow white hair. You gasped and stare at him as he also stares at you. "Wait....can you hear me?" Jack asked you and you nodded at him. "Can you see me?" He asked and you also nodded. "You can see and hear me as well?" You asked and he nods. 

Both of you start to smile real big and laugh as for the first time in awhile you two had someone to talk to and from then on you two became close. Although, you had this feeling like you have seen him before. You told him this and he admitted that he felt the same, he also felt like he knew you but didn't know where.

You guys talked about that feeling for awhile but decided to push that back and think about the now and the future. And now here you two are almost three hundred years later and both of you were really close, thick as thieves as people would say. 

"Whoa, it says here that they found Big Foot hair samples and DNA, in Michigan. That's like, super close!" Jamie exclaimed to his friends, twin brothers named Claude and Caleb, holding up his book to them. "Here we go again." Claude said, exasperated, as Jamie arrives at his front gate, sled in hand while Sophie, Jamie's 2-year-old sister in fairy wings, sits down on their Greyhound as it lies in the yard.

"You saw the video too Claude, he's out there!" Jamie shouts at his friends. "That's what you said about aliens." Caleb said. "And the Easter Bunny." Claude adds and his brother nods as you get up to the fence behind Jack and lean against it. "Wow, the Easter Bunny is real!" Jamie said, excitedly.

"Oh he's real alright. Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of himself." You remarked, making Jack jump in surprise. He looks down to see you leaning against the fence. "Gotcha, Frost." You chuckled as Jack smiles after he recovers from his shock. 

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