Chapter 4: Helping Toothfairy

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"Quickly! Quickly!" North exclaims as he jumps out of a chimney. North jumps down another chimney as Bunny races along a rooftop away.
"Here we go, here we go..." He mutters as Jack zips by, calling out to Bunny. "Hop to it rabbit, I'm five teeth ahead!" He yells then you, on a small cloud, float next to him. "I'm seven teeth ahead!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah right, look, I'd tell you two to stay outta my way, but really what's the point...because you two won't be able to keep up anyway." said Bunny.
"Is that a challenge, cottontail?" Jack asked him. "Oh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate." Bunny threatened. 

"A race? Is it a race??" North asked as jumps into one chimney, then shoots out of another across the way. "This is going to be..." North disappears down yet another chimney only to emerge with a bang out the top of another. "EPIC!!" He shouts, gleefully.

As North leaps away, Tooth darts around, in hummingbird overdrive, dazzled by the lights and traffic. Baby Tooth struggles to keep up. "Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're EVERYWHERE!" She shouts as she becomes overwhelmed and jets off without paying attention. Suddenly she smacks into a toothpaste billboard.

You jump up to the billboard to check on her. " okay?" You asked her, concerned. "Fine...sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field." She replied, excitedly. "How long is a long time?" You asked her.
"Ah, four hundred forty years...give or take." Tooth replied, giggling.

She jerks to her attention to a window of a little girl's room: a tiny glow under her pillow marks a freshly planted tooth. Tooth gasps and her eyes go wide and flies to the window, excited. You look to Baby Tooth: it's gonna be a long night.

Jack, cocksure, arrives outside an open window. His smile suddenly disappears when he sees a rabbit hole open up in the bedroom floor and Bunny hops out. Bunny, now holding the tooth in his paw, turns to Jack and laughs. Jack, not amused, zaps Bunny with burst of frost from his staff. 

You, Jack and the Guardians fly over a Middle Eastern city in North's sleigh as the full moon lights up the night sky. North pulls two teeth, one in each hand: twins. "Yipa!!" North exclaims.
Bunny, in another building, pulls out his hand from under a pillow revealing several teeth. "Jackpot!" He shouts then he looks around to see the kid has several trophies and posters.
"Looks like you're a bit of a brumby, ey mate." He said to the kid.

North, arriving at another room, stands at the side of a boy's bed. "Is piece of pie!" He laughs just as He falls into a rabbit hole, finding himself face to face with Bunny. He growls. Sandman enters and takes the boy's tooth for himself. "That's my tooth! Sandy! Sandy!" North shouts at Sandy. 

You parkour between two buildings and into a window. You fly in through the window when suddenly, a rabbit hole appears. As you disappear through the rabbit hole, Bunny appears through an adjacent hole laughing to himself. 

This goes on for awhile as all of you try to collect as much teeth as you guys could, while also playing some form of prank on each other. You, Jack, North, Sandy, and Bunny stand proudly. Each one of you revealing your own bag filled with teeth to Tooth. Tooth is overwhelmed by your collective effort. "Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies." She said in excitement.

All of your eyes widen and Tooth is suddenly panic stricken. "You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" She asked. You and the rest of the group turn to each other, sinking your heads and biting your lips in embarrassment.

You, Jack and the Guardians stand in line, waiting for your turn to put dollar bills into a coin dispenser. Then it was back to work and place coins under the pillow, well you, Jack, Sandy and Baby Tooth put coins while Bunny places eggs and North puts up  Christmas trees next to the kids bed. You and the others fly across the night sky only to disappear through a snowglobe portal.

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