Chapter 2: The Guardians

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You and Jack walk along the telephone pole as the Dreamsand disappears. When suddenly you saw a shadow move next to you. You look towards it but it disappears. "Jack." You whispered as you tap his shoulder. "Someone's following us." You said to him. He raises his eyebrows at you when he noticed a shadow run past him. "Whoa!" He said. "See?" You said and Jack grabs your hand and the two of you leap over a house to an adjacent tree to investigate, when the shadow flashes by again.

You two jump down from the tree to a truck in an alley when the shadow zooms by and knocks down the trash can. You and Jack jump down and back out from the alleyway into a clearing. "Hello mates." A voice called out. You and Jack turn around, ready to strike. Both of you squint, as into the light steps in Bunny. "Been a long time. Blizzard of 68, I believe? And the Flood of 71, too? Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" He asked as he approaches you and Jack.

"Bunny?" You said, shocked. "You're not still mad about that...are yah?" Jack asked him. "Yes." Bunny replied as whips out his boomerang and casually looks at it as he holds it in his hands. "But this is about something else." He said and you two give him a confused look as he shouts. "Fellas..."

Before either of you realize what's happening, a huge hand reaches out and lifts you off your feet and you let out a yelp. "Hey! Let her go!" He exclaims just as another large hand grabs him and lifts him off his feet.
"Durbha wahla." You hear your kidnapper say and you see that you and Jack were snatched by two large Yetis. "Put us down!" Jack said. "What the..." you started to say when suddenly both of you were shoved head first into a sack.

A yeti whips out a snow globe, and smashes it on the ground. "Durtal bardla burdlew." The first yeti said as a magic portal opens in front of them.
The yetis make way for Bunny to leap in, but he demurs. "Dwbard urghwetee." The second yeti said to Bunny. "Me?" Bunny said before he lets out a laugh. "Not on your nelly. See you back at the pole." He said and he stamps his foot twice on the ground which swirls open, then a rabbit hole magically appears.

Bunny leaps into it and disappears along with the rabbit hole. In its place, from out of the ground grows a small green plant. 

"Bwardla arghl." The yetis exclaim as they throw you and Jack through the magic portal then they charge through it afterwards.

The sack flies out of the portal and lands on the floor. In the darkness, both of you could hear voices. Jack struggles out of the sack, first, to see two elves staring at him. "Walla Walla, Washington. We've got a trampoline mishap at 1340 Ginger Lane." Tooth was ordering her fairies. "Quiet." North tells her as you get out of the sack.

"What is...." you started to say but your mouth drop as you see Bunny, North, Sandman and Tooth, with her little fairies, looking down at you and Jack. Jack turns around to you and helps you to your feet as North clears his throat. "Hey, there they are! Jack Frost and (y/n) Storm!" North exclaims. As North holds out his arms to welcome you two, a Dreamsand snowflake appears above Sandy's head, then a Dreamsand cloud with a lightening bolt coming out of it appears above his head next. "Wow, you gotta be kidding me." Jack whispered as you stand there in shock at the sight before you.

"I hope the yetis treated you well?" North asked as you rub the back of your neck with your right hand. "Oh, yeah. We love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." Jack replied, sarcastically. "Oh, good! That was my idea!" North said with a laugh and you roll your eyes at him.
"You two know Bunny, obviously." North said as he gestures towards Bunny. "Obviously." you and Jack said as Bunny stands off to the side, grumbling with his arms crossed. Jack suddenly notices the mini tooth fairies hovering near him, staring and twittering. "And the Tooth Fairy?" North said as the little fairies hover close to your face as well.

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