Chapter 3: Pitch Black

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North shoves open a set of double doors, followed closely by Bunny, Sandy, you and Jack. Several Yeti's rush by as they prepare the hangar for launch. "Boys, ship shape. As soon as impossible." North said to the yetis.
"North, North! We told you, we're not going with you guys! There is no way we're climbing into some rickety old..." Jack said when suddenly, there was a sound of pounding hooves and beastly snorting. North's sleigh comes into view, it's a huge, shiny, tricked out, jaw-dropping hot-rod of a sled.

"..sleigh." Jack finished as you and him stare at the sleigh, gob-smacked, so much so that you almost get knocked over by one of the reindeer. "Whoa!" You exclaim as you fall backwards but Jack catches you just in time. You look up at him and the two of you stare at each other, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Hey! Moi deti, moi deti. Quiet, quiet." North said to the reindeers, which made you and Jack to turn and watch North calm the reindeers. The sleigh comes to a standstill as the Guardians prepare to climb inside. Several Yetis were still running around, making last minute preparations.

"Okay, one ride, but that's it." You said as you pull out of Jack's arms. You and Jack jump aboard as North smiles knowingly, then climbs inside. Sandy hops up into the back seat. "Everyone loves the sleigh." He said as he grabs the reigns, wrapping them around his arms. He turns to see Bunny standing there, frozen and unnerved.

"Bunny, what are you waiting for?" He asked. "I think my tunnels might be faster, mate. And um, and safer." Bunny replied, nervously. "Ah, get in." North said as he hoists Bunny up.
"Buckle up!" Bunny desperately looks around his seat. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are the bloody seatbelts?!" He asked. "That was just expression!" North laughs then he turns to one of the Yetis.

"Are we ready?" He asked. The Yeti throws his hands up in a fit shaking his head no. "Good! Let's go!" North exclaims. "Clear! Hyah!" And he cracks the reigns and the sleigh takes off. Elves and yetis scatter out of its path. Sandy, Bunny, you and Jack fly back into their seats. Bunny clutches the edge of his, terrified, while you and Jack can't help but laugh. 

"Out of the way!" North shouts. The sleigh heads down a luge-like track, you, North and Jack are enjoying the ride. "Ohhhhhh no!" Bunny exclaims in fear. North cracks the reigns, the sleigh plummets, an almost vertical drop. Sandy grins calmly while you and Jack love this, Bunny....not so much. 

"Slow down, slow down!" Bunny shoutz while North pulls a lever, kicking the sleigh into overdrive. He looks back as the sleigh enters a corkscrew. "I hope you like the loopty loops!" He shouts at you and the others. "I hope you like carrots." Bunny said, nauseous, as the sleigh goes through the loop.

"Here we go!" North exclaims as the sleigh reaches the bottom of the ramp, and shoots upwards, launching you and the others into bright blue sky. "WOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!" Jack shouts, gleefully, as you laugh with excitement.

North, reins in hand, leans into the wind as the reindeer climb higher. "Klasno!" He exclaims while Jack, in his element, leaps up onto the rear of the sleigh, you join him to watch the North Pole fade into the distance. "Wow!" You say in awe. Bunny peaks off the side of the sleigh, then leans back, and holds on for dear life.

"Hey, Bunny--" you said. Bunny turns to see you and Jack standing on the back edge of the sleigh. "Check out this view-- EEEYAAAAGGHGHH!" You screamed as you were swept off the sleigh and disappear. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouts, pretending to be scared, as Bunny gasps in horror and looks over the side...only to see you lounging on the sleigh's skid.
"Awww...look, Jack.... he does care." You said, in a teasing voice, as Jack laughs at Bunny's expression. "Ah, rack off you bloody show ponies!" Bunny shouts at you two, angrily, while you and Jack laugh at him. Bunny glowers as Jack lowers the curved end of his staff to you. You grab it then he pulls you up and you climb back in the sleigh.

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