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Crocodiles eyes followed you and you turned to look at him wiggling your fingers to him. Mihawk has never met you before but it's not too late that's if you can even touch him. But you won't bother, Boa she's alright you respect the woman but that never stopped you from flirting with everyone else on her ship.

Well you are a social butterfly best make more friends than enemies.

Aokiji came down to the conclusion you already knew some of the warlords.

“Oi Aokiji how's Rob Lucci doing?” You ask him and he looks to you. “It's hard to know where the people from the government are located. Their movements are silent and secret. Do you know him?” Aokiji asks his eyes being shadowed.

“Not yet. But I heard he's of a dominant character, keep him away from me.” You say simple and Aokiji looks down at you feeling a shiver go down his spine.

The shiver of relief on you not knowing Lucci and the shiver of the hateful thought of you meeting Lucci.

Throughout the months of missions Aokiji started to become a bit too close to you. Whenever you met someone from the past he was always present pulling you by his side. It was very off for a Vice Admiral to show such affection since there shouldn't be any relationships during duty.

“Stop! Someone stop that crook!” A woman screams out as a man runs with a bag of money. You continue walking beside Aokiji.

The man bumps your shoulder and you frown. “Fucking stupid asshole!”

Aiming your fingers like a gun you raise your thumb up and aim at the crook whose running. Aokiji stands beside you watching you aim. “Bang bang.” You say softly and a jolt of lighting bursts out from your fingers hitting the crook.

The kick back of your shot made your arm rise up with the sizzling sound of the tips of yours fingers and smoke. As if you were to have shot a real gun. Aokiji walks up to the man taking the bag.

“I'll return this “ he leaves and you sit on top of the man pulling on his hair raising his head up. “Such a naughty little boy you are. But I hate small boys who don't know better than to bump a woman's shoulder. Didn't your momma teach you better? That's okay.”

Licking the side of his cheek the small shocks raise his hair up and you get up. Swinging your arm up and down shocking sounds start with electricity till a whip of electricity appears. Standing back everyone watches. “This is what naughty disrespectful little boys get!”

Your shadows cast upon the wall as you swing your arm whipping the man's ass tearing his pants till he has sizzled ass cheeks. Keeping your hands with in your pockets you continued to walk away everyone running away from you, terrified that even if they touched you the slightest you'd do the same to them.

Later on that day Aokiji found you talking to a notorious pirate. “Ace.”

The both of you were laughing till you slammed your fist across his face. “Keep your mouth shut about him.”

You say taking the bottle of wine with you and Ace looks up to you holding his hat on. The small mark on his cheek where you punched him sizzled.

He was only joking about Aokiji but you respected anyone with a higher rank than you.

Though it's hard to believe, you do hold respect toward Aokiji.

Aokiji walked further down the street not wanting to deal with anything right now. “We need to talk about your actions. What you did to the civilian, yes he is a criminal but you have no power over punishment. Second”

Aokiji grabs hold of your shirt pulling you up from your feet. “You are bringing a bad name toward the Navy! Drinking with a notorious pirate! As by now you should know your main duty is to arrest anyone who's a pirate when you are around! If you can't handle the job then drop off and rot in the cells where you came from!”

Chuckling you toss the bottle of wine to the side. “Are you challenging me?” Aokiji asks getting closer to your face.

“I'm warning you to release me.” You say grabbing onto his shirt electricity sparking around you.

Since that day Aokiji has been very different, for the past week he's been just grouchy. But he kept his eye on you even when you eat with the marines all he would do was watch. He hated the feelings that were moving around his mind.

The jealousy of you flirting with other men he had this strong pulse of just wanting your attention. All of your attention toward him. He wanted you to at least look at him but you were good at ignoring him, you weren't mad but you kept your distance from him.

Slamming his hand against the wall blocking you from walking past him like you have been doing for the past week. Looking at how close he was to slamming your head against the wall you followed his arm to his head. It was enough to make you stop smiling.

Moving closer he rests his other hand on the other side caging you against the wall. He was so quiet no facial movement and his breathing was low, steady, calm.

Leaning in closer his face inches away from yours.

You breathed steady and he slid the tip of his nose against yours teasing himself to kiss you, teasing you into believing he will. The excitement of him even doing it made your heart race in your chest.

 Aokiji X Reader x Doflamingo (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now