Day 'N' Nite bachelorette party

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Looking at yourself in the mirror wearing your wedding dress you had a small curved smile but your eyes seemed to be deeper than the sea. Kizaru tilted his head seeing how your eyes were settled off into a lost thought. "Are there thoughts?" Kizaru asks curious.

"No, just that." Looking back at the mirror you touch the fabric of the dress on your stomach holding back tears. "I have always worn wedding dresses for fun but never did I think I could fall in love. I'm now just realizing what I'm doing." Turning around you look at Kizaru with a brightened expression that leaves him speechless.

"It feels so wrong." That bright expression melts away with tears till you start laughing nervously looking back at the mirror. "Yet I feel this feeling in my heart, it's like a burst of happiness. !'m Getting married! It just feels so wrong." Kizaru stands up standing beside you looking over your shoulder. "Are you in love with someone else?" Kizaru feels terrible to see you break down so suddenly like this in front of him.

Doflamingo leaned over his desk sliding off his glasses looking at the letter you sent him. The wedding is tomorrow and you are asking him to be the one to lead you. Just how more painful can that get? "She will always hate me for what I did to her." It's a letter meant just for him to read and suffer.

Sniffing you start to smirk your shoulders bouncing as you lift your head up letting your laughter get high enough to the point you sound insane. Kizaru backed away when small electrical lines surround you as you pulled your hair clip off and begin to reach to the back of your dress unzipping. Walking away you enter the dressing room undressing you come back out fixing your hat.

"I'm taking the dress." You walk out of the dressing store as the lady's chase you. "You can't do that! That's our most expensive dress!" Kizaru follows beside you looking back at the woman as they try to contact the authorities.

"You stole the dress." Kizaru says taking it and carrying it over his shoulder for you. "Borrow, I'll return the stupid thing later on. I only wear it once." Kizaru hums from your view of things. "Are you excited to get married?" looking up to him with your wide white smile. "I love Aokiji. I learned to love him, I never meant for this to happen but." Looking at the ring on your finger. "When we were arguing I told him what gives him any authority to stop me from leaving."


"I am leaving and you can't really do anything about it!"

You walked behind him angry as he turned around with his fists clenched. "So I am leaving! I don't have to deal with you or this entire so called rule of being with the government." Aokiji continued to look around the room as he dug into his admiral coat. "You aren't leaving me!" He screams touching the wall as the door freezes and you back away. "I'm not your damn prisoner! I do whatever the fuck I want!"

Aokiji walked up to you pinning you up against the wall. "I don't want you to leave!" He says pissed that you would so easily do something like that to him. "You don't have the power to tell me what to do." You smirk feeling him freeze your arms as he leans in close to your lips. "I think I do once you realize how much you mean to me. I'm not trying to control you or hurt you, I understand that, that's exactly what you think I am trying to do. I am not like him, I promise not to hurt you. Just trust me that's all I ask for. I won't let you leave me."

His lips roughly kissed yours when you felt him slide something on your third finger. The ice shattered away as he lifted you up against the wall. "Marry me, it's not a choice." His lips kissed your soft spots on your neck as you slide your hands on his shoulder to see the ring on your finger.


Kizaru held his cup of tea while you eat a pie nodding your head. "Imagine that. Imagine me someone who dug her heart into one man and that one man betrayed me. I have a dirty past and it's filled with blood because of him and all because I believed he loved me. I thought love was the most stupidest piece of shit that comes out from a dog. Then Aokiji came along and I was like hold up. I was just a temporary bliss. Least that's what I thought I was but I was wrong. So yeah, you bet your shiny piss I am happy to marry my polar bear."

 Aokiji X Reader x Doflamingo (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now