The Mark

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Doflamingo found you sitting on the rooftop of the motel. Aokiji was asleep in the room it won't be long till he figures out you aren't in bed with him.

"Eating french fries and drinking a milkshake underneath the silver moon." Landing behind you he examined the straitjacket that you modified to make it look fashionable.

"It suits you." He leans in and you smash your elbow up against his face. Doflamingo backs away holding his nose. "Not in the mood I'm guessing?" He pushes one nostril and blows out blood from the other.

"There was a time I would do anything for you, Doflamingo. There was a time I felt something for you, now everytime I see you I fucking feel sick. Hearing your voice." You act like your clawing your ear. "I just want to get rid of my ears. I can't stand you voice. It makes me cringe! "

Doflamingo tilts his head hearing you out.

"I've always had this thought in my head but I'm not sure if it's true. Did you send me to the asylum? After we fought?"

Doflamingo stands silent and his silence is all you need for an answer. "My last mission was to kill Law. But that mission was not my problem. That was your problem a problem you should have solved yourself."

Hugging your legs you dip a fry in the milkshake and eat it. "I felt more at home in the prison cell than I did with you. Being isolated helped me reflect a lot on our relationship. Helped me understand that day we fought, that day you weren't afraid to hit me. Made me feel as if in your eyes I wasn't human. That I was nothing more like a dog that got beat by its owner. I never known kindness but I chose to learn.

I learned to socialize." Smiling you think about Aokiji. "I learned what it means to be in actual relationship. I'm not being used."

Doflamingo snears at your words. "If you call it a relationship. But you can sit there all night and tell yourself that you are changing. But don't forget we pushed each other to the limits. Dug your nails into my face and I -"

Shaking your head you cover your ears. "Shut up! Always being the victim! Always able to do the bad toward others but no one can do anything to you!"

Doflamingo walks over behind you leaning down close to your ears. "Remember who raised you. Remember who made you. Remember who rescued you from that filthy village. I can't tell you why I really treated you the way I did. I can't even tell you about this feeling in my chest that compresses my own breathing." Grabbing hold of your shoulders he pulls you back as he crawls on top.

"You can love someone so much to the point you end up hurting them more than you think. I am not mad at all with how you treat me. I deserve it. Every hit, every insult, every remark. I am paying back everything I did to you. We may have almost killed each other and you may have almost killed my family. But yet we fall back together.

We end up back where we started. And you can think in your mind. Oh! I'm getting married to someone who loves me. That doesn't mean shit to me because I know that deep down inside. More specifically here."

His fingers hover beside him as they dance and you feel a tug in your heart. "That this belongs to me. That this beats for me and you have lived and fought this long because of me. I woke you up from the cruel truth of this world. But forever I hold this."

His fingers slowly close as the strings tighten your heart. (Shit this ain't cholesterol from the fries!)

"I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention. On you strangling my heart with your strings. I thought that was cholesterol." Grabbing hold of his shirt you pull yourself up to his face. "That's just me saying how less of importance you are to me. Nothing you say matters to me. Because I know I'm living. I know that I'm in war with you but my soul is not yours.

 Aokiji X Reader x Doflamingo (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now