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Thank you @cels3tialbaby for recommending Andrea Russet as Amethyst. She looks almost exactly like her!! 😘😘

Edit: follow me @caitlynnfelicity on insta to learn more about me!


I quickly pulled out my black, off-the-shoulder long-sleeved shirt, my denim shorts with black and white, plaid suspenders, and my black fishnet tights and whisked into my bathroom. I quickly put on the clothes and sighed when I realized I had to do my hair. I hopped onto the counter, since I was far too short to reach the cabinet above to sink, and grabbed all of my make-up and hair products. After spending about thirty minutes on my hair and make-up, I had put my wavy auburn locks into a messy ponytail with too strands of hair framing my face. I had on foundation, concealer, winged eyeliner, mascara, and nude lipstick. When I was happy with that I smiled and ran into my room. I quickly put on my glasses, grabbed my phone off of the charger, put on my black and white high top Converse, grabbed my backpack and keys, and skipped downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a Granny Smith apple before kissing my dad on the forehead, his already dressed self reading his phone at the table, and waved goodbye to him. I hopped into my car that was in the driveway and smiled at myself in the rear view mirror.

My hair was looking extra wavy that day and was shiny and soft. My eyes were still their mix of green and brown and looked big with my long lashes and winged eyeliner. My lips were plump and soft and my face didn't have any mess ups on it. My tan skin was glowing in the sunlight and I looked really pretty.

Not pretty enough to be noticed at my school, but pretty.

I pulled out of my driveway and rode to school, singing one of the songs that I made when I was younger. When I got to school, I quickly pulled into a parking spot, grabbed my stuff, and ran to my locker.

I was what you would call a "nerd" at my school.

I wore glasses, cared about my schoolwork, got the best grades, hadn't had my first kiss yet, didn't flirt with guys, was fairly unpopular, was the teachers pet, and didn't have many friends. I did have one, Samantha, but she was super popular and gorgeous and I don't know how she ended up being my friend. She just liked me.

I wasn't a complete nerd, though. I had a sense of style, I wore make-up, and I was really athletic, you could tell just by looking at me.

Once I got to my locker I unloaded my stuff and grabbed all the things I would need for my first class: Chemistry AP. I had that one with Samantha, as well as some other popular people but I didn't talk to them (as I was too shy to).

When I had all of my stuff I walked to Samantha's locker and waited for about ten minutes until she scurried up to me a large smile on her face.

Samantha was absolutely gorgeous. She had long, silky, blonde hair that went all the way to her butt, even when curled! Her eyes were an icy blue that went to green on the outsides. She also had big doe eyes so she looked really innocent all of the time. Her eyelashes were long and surprisingly black, though her hair was really light. She was taller than me, about five-foot seven inches, and was just as athletic as I was.

She was wearing a light pink skater dress that went well with her fair complexion with black knee-high heeled boots. She was wearing the same amount of make-up as me yet she looked so much better, not that I was surprised.

"AMY!" She squealed as she crushed me in a hug.

I laughed. "Sammy!" I cheered back.

She pulled away and looked me up and down with a large smile. "You look beautiful, not that that's anything new."

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