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I tied up my hair as I walked out of the locker room, smiling to myself when I saw that I was the first girl changed. I quickly looped my hair-tie one last time before going to the side and stretching.

It was the day after Max and I made our first video to put on YouTube. Gym was one of my last classes and one of the many classes that I had with Max.

I never really noticed how close me and Max got until I thought about it while stretching. We had several classes together and hung out after school (when I didn't have dance or he didn't have boxing) and we texted each other before we went to sleep. I was pretty comfortable around him, which is unusual for a shy person like me. He was also super nice when he was around me and his friends but scary when he was with other people.

We also had nicknames for each other.

"Hey girl," a happy voice greeted when a shadow was cast over me.

I looked up and smiled at Kyle's smiling face. "Hi Kyle!" I cheered as I got up from a lunge.

I hugged him tightly, making him laugh and wrap his arms around me as well.

"I heard that we're playing Capture the Flag today," he said as we both started stretching.

I smiled. "I like that game."

He smirked. "Because you always win it for your team."

I shrugged. "I'm mostly put on defense and I'm not very good at it."

He rolled his eyes before changing his stretch. "You've gotten half of the team's flag belts one time-no- every time."

I blushed a bit. "I never really payed attention to that stuff. I just chase and pull the flag."

"Or get the actual flag, the objective of the whole game. Honey, you are the reason why whatever team you're on, wins."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem, babe," he said with a smile.

"You're a fast changer, shortie," a deep voice commented from behind me.

I jumped in surprise and made a small squeak, causing Kyle to chuckle. I blushed and turned around to see Max smiling down at me. I hopped out from my stretch and hugged him, his large arms wrapping around my small frame as I did so.

I'm really short, aren't I? I thought to myself.

"The height difference is unreal between you two," Kyle pointed out once I pulled away from Max.

We both laughed and looked at each other.

"Talking to you makes my neck hurt," I muttered to Max.

He smirked. "Same here, shortie."

Once everyone came in and Coach O. explained that we were playing Capture the Flag, we went outside at stood on either side of the team wearing different colored flag belts. Max and I's side was blue and Kyle's side was yellow. When everyone was done with their flags, Coach blew the whistle, starting the game.

Several people from either sides started to run, Max and I being one of them.

I quickly ran and grabbed two people's flags- ripping them off and getting them out of the game- without even stopping to look back at them. I ran into the other side of the field and smirked when I saw five guys run at me. They were all on the football team so I would have to work a little harder than I normally would, but I was fine with that.

The first guy quickly ran in front of me and tried to block my way from running, moving from side to side as he did so. I chuckled slightly and made a sharp right, causing him to jump to get to me but I was too fast for him to reach me in time. He fell on his stomach and the other four jumped over him, not even asking if he was okay. Two ran up on either side of me, closing in every few seconds. I rolled my eyes and looked behind me to see the two others behind me.

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