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I regretted everything.

Well, regret is a strong word, but I was super tired the next morning and I hate being tired.

The rest of the party consisted of Max and I snuggling together, him kissing my forehead or hair and me sticking to his side like glue.

I really hated everything else though.

I stayed up so late and talked with Max for the most of the night after dancing for a few hours. I realized that it was time for me to go home when my mother asked me how the party was. Max drove me home, apparently (I fell asleep so I don't remember), and my mother and father told me that he was so sweet for carrying me to my room.

He is really sweet.

Then when I woke up I felt like absolute crap, my body not used to partying and staying up late, and I got a text from Max. He asked me if I wanted to come to his house, have breakfast, and swim in his pool with his family. I loved the kids, even Noah and Ethan, so I said yes.

I quickly grabbed a simple pair of denim shorts and a simple yellow t-shirt. I paired it with some white flip-flops and put on my waterproof make-up, all after a shower of course. I grabbed my phone and keys and trudged downstairs where my parents were drinking coffee and snuggling close to each other.

"Hola mama y papa," I greeted as I walked to the fridge to grab some apple juice. (Hello mom and dad)

"Hola hija," they said in unison. (Hello daughter)

I turned to my father and smiled. "¿Puedes conseguir una taza para mí?" I asked, pointing to the cabinet. (Can you get a cup for me?)

He nodded. "Sí." He got up and walked over to the cabinet before grabbing me a cup. (Yes)

I nodded my head in thanks and poured myself some juice before trudging back up to my room. I quickly picked out a cute bikini: a high-waisted bikini bottom with a black and white striped pattern and a bandeau top. I then grabbed my purple duffel bag and put in my beach towel, sunscreen, make-up wipes incase my make-up gets smudged (even if it's waterproof), my goggles and glasses, some extra contacts, another t-shirt that I cropped to look cute and some extra shorts, and put my phone and keys in the bag.

I then skipped downstairs, put my empty cup in the sink, told my parents where I was going, and left to my car. I drove to Max's house with ease, remembering all of the lefts and rights he told me to take, and pulled up in his large driveway. I could already see Ainsley and Noelani running to my car in their bathing suits with large smiles on their faces.

I chuckled to myself as I parked and got out of the car.

"Amy!" They squealed as they ran into my open arms.

"Hey girlies!" I giggled as I hugged them.

They pulled away from me and smiled. Noelani was wearing a white bikini with yellow polk-a-dots white Ainsley was wearing a yellow bikini with white polk-a-dots.

"Max has been getting ready since the morning when he knew you were coming," Ainsley said.

"Yeah! He was super worried about looking ugly for you," Noelani informed.

I blushed and fixed the strap of my bag. "Really?" They nodded. "I guess I better change into my bathing suit, then."

They grabbed each of my hands and dragged me into the house. I laughed the whole way until I saw that everyone was at the kitchen table except for Max. I frowned a bit but waved to everyone anyway.

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