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I pounded on Xander's door impatiently and waited for him to come and answer it. He opened it after a few seconds with a calm look on his face but once he saw me (after looking around since he couldn't see my head because I was so short) his face paled. He quickly tried to close the door but I stopped it with my hand and pushed it open.

I stormed into the house as Xander tried to run from me and grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"Don't you freaking run from me! I've got to talk with you!" I screamed as I turned him around.

He looked down at my angry face and then at my bat before speaking. "What did I do this time?" He cried.

I pointed the bat at him. "You said the 'L' word!" I yelled.

His eyes widened. "And you're mad about that?"

I shook my head and pressed the bat harder into his chest. "I'm elated! I'm over the moon! I'm having a tea party with God!"

"I can't tell if you're being serious or not!" He exclaimed.

I growled. "I'm freaking serious! Now... get me a chair!" I ordered.

He raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?!"

"If you value your life I'd get me the darn chair!"

He nodded frantically and ran into the kitchen before stumbling back with a chair. I nodded my head in thanks and jumped onto the chair once he set it one the floor. I then turned to him and smirked internally when I was about his height.

"You have to promise me that you love her," I said as I held out my pinky.

He smiled. "I promise." He wrapped his way larger pinky around mine.

"Promise me that you won't break her heart, or, you'll try not to."

"I promise."

"And promise me you will love her for who she is."

He smiled. "I already do."


He chuckled. "I promise."

I squealed happily and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled when he wrapped his around my waist and placed me onto the floor. We quickly let go of each other and I smiled when I saw his blushing face.

"Now you have to get her a promise ring," I said.

He raised an eyebrow. "What? I do?"

I shrugged. "Samantha would love it, I'm sure."

He frowned. "When should I get her one?"

I smirked. "Now! I'm giving you five hours, that's it! Go, go, go!" I said as I pushed him towards the door.

He quickly opened it and ran to his car faster than I'd see him in the soccer field. I sighed happily and put my bat over my shoulder when I heard deep chuckling from behind me. I turned around and almost screamed when I saw Max sitting at the kitchen table with a smirk on his face.

"You're cute when you're angry, you know that right?" He said as he stood up and walked over to me.

I blushed and looked down at my shoes. "I wasn't supposed to be cute. I was supposed to be scary. I think it worked since he got so scared when he saw me," I grumbled.

He chuckled and wrapped and arm around me. "You didn't scare me," he teased.

I puffed out my cheeks and turned my head away from him. "I'm not cute, knight. I'm the same age as you, maybe even older! I hate it when people call me cute, I'm not!"

He chuckled and turned me to him. I looked up at his face and blushed when I saw that he was already looking at me.

"I'm not saying you're the type of cute like a puppy, shortie. It's a different type of cute."

I tilted my head to the side. "There's different types of cute?" I huffed and turned away from him. "Last time I checked there was only one."

He ruffled my hair and walked over to the door. "Come one shortie. You're taking me to your house."

I scoffed and walked over to him. "Who said?"

He chuckled and bent down all the way so we were face to face. "I said. You couldn't be so cruel to leave your friend all alone, could you?" He gave me puppy eyes.

I pouted and opened the door before walking out. When I didn't feel his presence behind me I turned around. He was standing in the doorway with a surprised face. I smirked and put a hand on my hip.

"You comin' or what?" I asked.

He smiled and ran up to me. I shook my head in amusement and climbed into the drivers seat. As I was putting in my seatbelt I saw Max climb in. I put my bat into the back seat and pressed the start button. Once Max had his seatbelt on I backed up out of the driveway and drove to my house.

When I pulled into my driveway I frowned when I didn't see Samantha's car. I parked and jumped out, completely forgetting about the baseball bat, and ran to the front door. I pulled out my key and quickly unlocked it before walking in.

"Nice place you got here," Max said as he admired my house.

"I've got to get my stuff from my room so I can finish my homework down here with you," I mumbled as I walked upstairs.

Max nodded and walked into the kitchen. I quickly gathered all of my stuff and scurried down the stairs. When I got into the kitchen I plopped all of my stuff onto the kitchen table. I then opened up my English binder and started to finish the homework when I heard a bored groan. I looked up and frowned when I saw Max pouting in the chair next to me.

"What?" I asked quietly, my confident facade gone.

"I'm bored," he grumbled.

I cleared my throat and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You can play COD on the Xbox," I suggested.

His eyes lit up and he quickly jumped out of the chair. "Cool!" He exclaimed as he ran to the living room.

Well that was easy.

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