Bonus 3

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That's me with my first ever bestie up there. We still talk today, lol, and neither of our faces have changed. He just looks like he's seventeen (he's my age) and I look like I'm ten... so yeah. Even though he's a day older than me, he looks seven years older than me... so that's fun. I jus put this up here cuz this photo reminds me of young Amy and young Max, lol.


I know you guys aren't here for that, you're here for another Bonus chapter! And guess what! You're not gonna get one...


Did I get you? No? Well, I tried.

I know the title says this is a bonus, and it is, but I just wanted to make sure to put this not before it because I've gotten some suggestions and questions so I just wanna address them.

Alrighty, here we go.

Sequel?: Sorry guys, but it's not gonna happen. Even the sequel with Alexander or a spin-off of Oscar and Kyle, or Audrey and West, or whoever else. But don't think I've given up on these guys! I most certainly haven't.

That brings me to a really cool idea that I've had that I think you guys will like.

All of my books will be in the same universe. So, that means you'll see a bit more of these characters in my other books. Even in Heaven on Fire or The Wanted Children (my other books). So if you haven't had enough of Amy, Max, and company, then head on over to my other books! (If you want Alexander to get a girlfriend you might wanna head on over to Heaven on Fire *wink wink*)

ALRIGHTY THEN— sorry, that was aggressive— let's get onto the next chapter!

P.S.— play the song above when you see the 🎶


These little rascals... I thought to myself as I was watching Niagara, Andreas and Jasper— the youngest of the five King children— wrestling on the couch while Syren and Aadya were patiently watching them. Well, Syren was patiently watching them while Aadya looked like she was trying her best not to get in there and get them to stop.

Syren and Jasper were our second set of twins that were born a lovely five years ago. They were just like Niagara and Aadya in the sense that they were nothing alike personality wise. Unlike those two, the two of them didn't look alike all that much.

Syren Liric King was five minutes older than her younger brother and definitely liked her mom more than me. She loved me, I knew that, she just didn't like me.

Syren had bone straight red hair with natural blonde highlights, greyish-hazel eyes, long eyelashes, tan skin, high cheekbones, and thick lips. She was definitely a mommy's girl who loved to write, glare at people, and watch her siblings destroy the house. Although she was only five years old, she had Andreas, Jasper, and— sadly— me wrapped around her little finger. She rarely ever smiled, but when she did the whole world would just light up.

She was just like her mother that way.

Another way she was like her mother was being an overachiever. Little Syren was able to speak English, Italian, and Spanish fluently at the young age of three and just loved to talk to her siblings in one language and switch to another to mess with them. She was also an introvert who hated participating in violence of any sort like her mother. But unlike her mother and more like me, she was a scheming little child who loved to mess with her siblings and wouldn't be afraid to bash someone's head in if they went against her or her family.

Then there was Jasper. Jasper Stone-King. He had light brown hair with natural blonde highlights, greyish-hazel eyes, long eyelashes, freckles across the bridge of his nose, fair skin, high cheekbones, and a sharp jawline. He was definitely a daddy's boy and loved to box just I like I did. He hated music, something I never thought a person could hate, but was still really supportive of his parents' passion for music. He had the cutest little lisp that Niagara always made fun of him for, while everyone else loved it. He spoke fluent Italian and a little bit of Spanish and had the mouth of a sailor— much like his older sister and parents.

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