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A/N: Play the song up top when you see 🎼


"Knight... knight... knight," I croaked as my eyes fluttered open. The light was so harsh when I first tried, and the second time, and the third. That was my fifth time trying to wake up and it was finally working.

Suddenly I heard several footsteps from, I was guessing, the door. There were, what sounded like one, set of footsteps, however, that seemed very keen on getting here first. It was the lightest footsteps too, which made me wonder who was trying to get to me so fast. I tried to sit up but failed once I felt a sharp pain in my arm. The door banged open, causing me to flinch, and my mother sprinted over to me first. Next were my father and Max.

"Oh, my baby!" My mother cried loudly as she hugged me.

I leaned my head into her since I couldn't hug her without feeling like my arm was going to fall off.

"Hi," I croaked.

"Everyone needs to leave! We need to make sure she is stable!" A nurse called before my father or Max could even get to me.

My mother snarled (like a wolf) at the nurse before clutching onto me. "I'm not leaving my baby alone. Te asegurarás de que esté a salvo mientras yo esté en la habitación," she growled. (You will make sure she is safe while I am in the room.)

The nurse sighed. "Please, you need to give us space to work."

My mother was about to argue again when my father just came behind her and picked her up. I giggled a bit, though it sounded more like a wheeze, and turned to see Max being pulled back by Xander, his father, and Andy. I winked at him to assure him that I was fine, which made him tear up a bit and smile widely. 

"I-I love you, Amy," he stuttered nervously.

I smiled brightly, happy that he felt the same way I did. "I love you too."

His eyes widened tremendously and his tense body relaxed. All of the people holding onto him turned to me with happy and teary-eyed expressions. I smiled at them before a bunch of doctors and nurses came in through the door and pushed all of them out. I turned to all of the doctors and nurses that had suddenly crowded around me and raised an eyebrow.

"We're going to ask you some questions while the doctors make sure you're okay, okay honey?" A plump faced woman asked me.

I shrugged. "Sure. As long as I can see my family."

She raised an eyebrow. "What's your name?"

"Amethyst Rosetta Stone."

"How old are you?"

"What month is it?" I wondered.


"I'm going to be eighteen any day now."

"What is your mother's name?"

"Esmeralda Rosalina Stone."

"And your fathers?"

"Aster Stone."

"Your siblings?"

"Don't have any."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Maximus Magnum King."

"Best friend?"

"Samantha Lorence."

And it just went on like that. They asked me questions that any sane person would know the answer to, did some tests to make sure I would be able to walk and function, only to find out that I had now become mildly colorblind in my left eye and had a permanent scar all down my arm. Other than that, I was perfectly fine. They said that the fact that I recovered so well with so little permanent injuries was basically a miracle since it wasn't likely that I would even survive. I was on the verge of death when they found my beaten up car on the side of the road.

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