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After my mom kept inspecting and talking with Amy, we all decided to watch a movie. Ethan and Noah were trying to get Amy to sit with either of them on the large, one-person recliner we had in the family room. Amy nicely declined and decided that she wanted to sit on the couch, but it was filled with my mom, my sisters, and Alexander. We didn't have another couch so the twins had to sit on the floor, which left us to the recliner.

I took up the whole seat and since Amy is so shy and adorable, she almost decided on sitting on the floor. I laughed and told her that she could sit on my lap, but she was scared that she was too heavy. I laughed and said that she looked like she weighed as much as Noelani or Ainsley, which made her pout like a little puppy, and sit on my lap. She weighed nothing, just like I thought, and fell asleep in the middle of the film.

When everyone saw that she was sleeping, they all left the room to watch the movie downstairs. I told them that they didn't have to, but they all said that we looked so cute together and they didn't want to ruin that by waking her up.

I looked down at Amy and smiled when she curled herself more into a ball and snuggled further into me. I didn't want to touch her, in case she woke up, but when she started to shiver I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around her waist and shoulders to keep her warm, which caused her to smile lightly in her sleep.

"Wow," I whispered as I looked at her beautiful face.

"Max?" Ainsley's voice asked from behind me.

I turned my head to see her standing by the doorway. I smiled, causing her to smile and scurry inside.

"What is it?" I whispered.

She pointed to Amy. "Is she your girlfriend?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Sadly, no." She frowned. "But, you can help me get her to be my girlfriend."

"Noah and Ethan want her to be their girlfriend but I don't think she likes them. I really like Amy, Max. She should come over all the time. She's also really pretty. I hope she can teach me to get that pretty," she rambled.

I chuckled softly and looked down at Amy's face. "She is really, pretty, isn't she? Like an angle from heaven," I whispered.

Ainsley giggled. "You really like her, don't you?"

I nodded. "Love her, you mean."

Ainsley kissed my cheek and pat my head before skipping to wherever she came from.

I spent about an hour admiring Amy before Audrey came in and told me that I needed to take her home. I wanted to stay with her a bit longer, but she did have homework and would wake up anytime soon.

I was about to just pick her up and take her to her car when I realized that she could have left some stuff at my house. I softly shook her, causing her to groan softly in annoyance, and smiled when I saw her eyes flutter open.

"Hey, shortie. I gotta take you home, did you leave anything here?" I asked softly.

She shook her head and closed her eyes again. "No. My stuff is in the car."

I nodded. "Do you think you could get up, or do you need me to carry you?"

She uncurled herself from my lap and stood up in front of me, her arms above her head, telling me that she wanted me to pick her up that way. I chuckled and stood up before taking her by her waist and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist before resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you, knight," she whispered before drifting of to sleep again.

I rubbed her back soothingly before answering. "Anytime, shortie."

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