Bonus 2

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... hi? I know that you guys have been wanting another bonus, and I know that it's taken way too long for me to write this one but... at least I'm doing it. It's not like I just haven't been writing. I do have another story that I'm writing AND I write all the time. Message me if you want me to send you the link to some of the stories that I would like to publish in real life. I'll only do it if you send me a funny pun referring to this story.

ANYDOODLE (yeah, that's right), I just wanted to make sure you're all safe, healthy, and following the goddamn rules. Six feet apart, Janet, six feet a-freaking-part! But I digress. Enjoy this bonus chapter, I know I will... hopefully (I'm a tough critic).

Also, if you want to know more about me (I mean, of course you do, I'm awesome... jkjkjk) Subscribe to my YT channel: Caitlynn Washington or follow me on Instagram: caitywash06... now onto the story!


Five years later...

"Niagara Falls King! Get your tiny ass over here!" I screamed, severely pissed off.

The sound of Andreas' cries are all that could be heard, apart from Max's snoring. The poor baby was sick and couldn't do much, which sucked for me since I had to take care of our cute little devil, Niagara. I love her, I really do, but that kid was evil.

Niagara was the oldest of the three King kids. She was seven minutes older than Aadya, and about a year older than little Andreas. At five years old, the kid had gotten into more trouble than I had in my entire life.

She clearly took after her dad.

She had long, wavy black hair, soft, tan skin, grayish-green eyes, amazingly long eyelashes, a cute button nose, slightly chubby cheeks, amazing cheekbones, full lips, and a defined jawline. Her twin sister, Aadya, looked the same except for the fact that her hair was cut just above her shoulders while Niagara's was down to her waist.

And no, we didn't do that so we could tell them apart. Aadya's eyes were rounder than Niagara's, and Niagara's eyes were more green than grey. Aadya just hates her hair being in her face while Niagara loves to put her hair in different styles.

The other way we can tell the two identical twins apart is by their personality. They may only be five but they are complete and total opposites from each other. Niagara, the little devil, is feisty, rambunctious, and loud while Aadya is shy, calm, and quiet. It makes sense, though, since the name Niagara literally means "thunder of water". Niagara surely was as loud and thunderous as the famous waterfall. She was a boxer just like her dad, though she mostly spoke Spanish like I did. Aadya, bless her soul, was the nurturing type. She sang and played piano as well and loved to cuddle with her daddy. She was a total daddy's girl, but so was Niagara. She spoke Spanish like her sister.

And my youngest, the one who was crying, Andreas, was a definite momma's boy. I'd been told that he looked a lot like me, but Max had also been told that he looked a lot like him. I guess he looked like the both of us, but with his cute little freckles you can't tell. Andreas had grey eyes, brown wavy hair, freckles on his cheeks, thick lips, fair skin with a slight blush and long eyelashes. He'd grown a love for singing and tap dancing and was just as fluent in Spanish and Italian as he was English. He'd always get picked on by Niagara, so he never liked being around his older sister very much. But he did love to pretend he was Aadya's knight in shining armor, mine as well.

He was just like Max that way.

The best part about having children for me was seeing how much they were like the love of my life. Niagara loved boxing, Andreas and Aadya loved singing, and all of them have taken an interest in the two other languages that Max and I spoke. My family was my whole heart and soul and I would never trade them in for anything... even Niagara's tendency to get on my last nerve.

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