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November 3rd: Day 1 of coma

I've been asleep for a long time. At least, it feels like it. I don't really remember how I got here, to this deep sleep, but I want to wake up. I want to see my family, friends, and Max. I'm sure they'll wake me up soon though. I've got to go to school and dance, I can't stay asleep for much longer. Even though it feels like my body just won't wake up.

November 4th: Day 2 of coma

I'm still asleep. I don't know how long it's been, but it's been a boring time. I've been all alone with no one to talk to, and I keep thinking that I'll be able to wake up soon, but I just don't. It kind of hurts when I try to wake up, if I'm being honest, and I don't know why. It's never hurt before and the fact that it is is making me scared. I just hope that I'll be able to wake up and go to school soon, otherwise, I might just go insane being all by myself.

November 10th: Week 1 of coma

I need to move. I've been laying here, just laying here, for so long. I haven't opened my eyes in what feels like years, but what has probably only been a couple of hours. I hope. I really hope it's only been a couple of hours. I've tried waking up, but every time I try, this annoying beeping just gets really loud and fast, so I go back to sleep. I don't like the beeping at all. It doesn't make me feel good. I also feel like something is always next to me, more like someone actually. Like there is always something next to me, just waiting for me to wake up again. I hope I'm right, because I hate sleeping for this long.

November 14th: Day 11 of coma

I've been hearing these voices. It isn't like a dream, because my dreams have pictures, it's just voices. I can feel them around me, some familiar, others foreign. But there is one thing that they're all saying: "Wake up, Amethyst. Please wake up." I'm trying, voices, I really am! I just can't. I can't wake up. The beeping makes me feel something, like my heart is going to give out, so if I wake up then I'll die. I don't want to die. I want to live for my family, friends, and Max. But... I want to see them. Do you see my problem? I want to wake up, but I know I'll die if I do, my heart just can't take it. But I want to see the people I love.

Wake up, Amethyst. Please wake up.

November 20th: Day 17 of coma

I heard something else today! Not just people asking me to wake up, but people talking to me. They all sound sad, but it makes me happy that I can here them. One of them sounds like Max.

"Hey, shortie. It's me, knight. I'm back again. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm going to keep talking to you anyway. I want you to remember me when you wake up. And yes, when, because you will. I'll be here waiting for you when you do, okay? And then I can tell you how I feel, 'cause dad says that's the least wimpy thing I can do.

Did I tell you that he's back? He wanted to see you actually, the day you... the day you got hit. I told him you were at dance practice, turns out you weren't there for very long." He doesn't talk for a moment. "That's a little depressing, isn't it? I can sing our song again, the one we made together. The doctors said it might help you wake up, but if it really did, you would've been up by now. I've played that song so many times! So many damn times, just trying to get you back, shortie. But guess what? I can't sing the whole song without you. You have to wake up, Amy. So we can sing our song. So I don't have to sing alone." He starts to cry.

How long have I been here if he's sang to me so many times. And doctors? Why are there doctors? I thought I was just sleeping. What is going on? Why am I here? I want to leave now! Get me out! Get me out! I want to leave!

Let me leave!

November 28th: Day 25 of coma

"It's Thanksgiving, shortie. I brought some food over so we could eat together. Everyone else is in the cafeteria, just hanging out and waiting for you to come and join them. Ainsley keeps asking me if I could tell you how much she loves you, since she's too scared to do it on her own. She doesn't want to see you all beat up like this, shortie. Nobody does. Everyone wants to awake, everyone wants you back."

I want to be back! I want to wake up! Can you hear me Max? Can you hear me speaking to you? I'm trying so hard to come back. I just want to see you all again. I just want to see you!

"Let's eat," he says solemnly before I hear chewing.

I don't remember Thanksgiving being this close... have I been asleep that long?

December 3rd: Month 1 of coma

I tried waking up again. It feels like a really long time since I've tried that. I felt better when I did it, my heart didn't feel like it was going to stop. The beeping was less annoying this time. I'm going to try again. I want to see my family. I need to try again.

I'm going to wake up.

To be continued...

I know it's short but you guys will just have to be happy with it. The book is almost coming to an end now.

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