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"You asshole!" I growled as I punched the guy in the face, grabbing  him by his collar so he wouldn't fall over.

"I don't know what I did!" He spluttered with his bloody mouth.

I snarled. "Fucking pig!"

Before I was punching that guy's face, I was walking over to my locker where he was talking with a bunch of his friends. He kept saying disgusting and perverted stuff about all of the girls he's slept with. Then, right when I was about to ignore the guy, he started talking about Audrey, Amethyst, and Samantha. I lost it and grabbed him by the collar before punching him.

Now that you're caught up, let's get back to where we left off.

I kept on punching him even when a crowd started to form around us. People were taking pictures, whispering, huddling together, some of the people were even teachers as well. It wasn't the first time that I had been caught punching someone, but every time they asked why I did it, my reason made sense and I was just put in detention or something.

"Stop!" A small voice screamed, a small voice that always made me smile.

I froze and turned away, my fist about an inch for my the guy's face. I felt as my eyes surfed the crowd for the small voice that I always thought about. After a few seconds of complete silence, everyone holding their breath to see who said that, I saw the beautiful girl to the sweet little voice.

"Amy," I breathed happily.

She wasn't very happy. Her eyes were bloodshot red, as if she had been crying for hours. Her cheeks were puffy, making her look like a little chipmunk. Her plump lips were in a large pout, her bottom lip quivering, a sign that she was holding in her tears. Plus, her whole body was rigid, not a slight twitch of movement, and she looked like she was ready to sprint away if someone so much as touched her.

"Amy?" I asked.

"Let him go... now," she ordered.

I froze in surprise as everyone gasped, including the teachers, and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" I, among others, asked.

"Do it!" She growled angrily.

I sighed and slowly let go of the guy's collar, his body collapsing to the floor as soon as I let him go.

"What's wrong, shortie?" I questioned sweetly.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Do not use that voice with me, Maximus King."

I lowered my head in shame, sad that I had already made Amy get mad at me.

"Sorry," I muttered.

She stomped up to me, grabbed my collar, and started to drag me outside, the crowd parting for her like the Red Sea. Everyone was snapping pictures, taking videos, and gossiping about what was going to happen while I just kept my head down, not wanting to see where we were going.

"We need to have a bit of a talk, okay?" She gritted as she pushed me into some empty classroom.


"Look at me."

"No thank you."

"I said look at me!"

"I said no!" I snapped my head up and snarled. "Don't forget-" I paused mid-sentence, knowing that I'd regret saying the whole thing.

"Don't forget what, huh? That you're the bad boy of the school? That you can do whatever the fuck you want? That if you can beat up that boy so easily you can do the same to me?"

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