there's a part of me that believes that you will always love your first love,
even when you've moved on,
and found many other loves,
and maybe even a forever love,
there's still a part of me that believes,
I'll always wonder what would of happened,
if my first love stayed my only love,
and there's a part of me that believes I'd still be just as happy,
as the day you kissed me behind the barn,
or all the days in between really,
and I often wonder if you ever wonder these things too,
or check up on me like I do to you,
but while there's a part of me that believes I'll always hold some love for you,
I believe more firmly that I'll find a greater love than you,
but that I'll still thank you,
for teaching me how to love from the beginning.

a life in words
Poesiea random book of words // poetry from the mundane of life // come dive into this realm with me // highest rank - #34 in living <3