All I could feel was pain at this moment.I couldn't move.
I clutched my rib. It was so painful there. What happened?
"He may not be able to dance or do any extreme physical activities for a long period of time."
Everything was blurry in my sight.
Where am I?
Who are these people?
I opened my eyes only to see Jimin sitting by the bed with a warm relieved smile upon his face.
"Oh. You're awake."
I tried to smile back but it was too painful. I haven't smiled in a while.
Because you have my happiness. But I don't even know what that is anymore.
"You're seriously injured. On your right bottom rib. You won't be able to dance for a while. And you can't go to the gym anymore."
Why? Why is this happening to me? What did I do?
But like I said, life is full of unexpected things. Like this..
I can't do anything about it. It's been done.
"The doctor said you can go home tomorrow. So I can come a pick you up to bring you back to your apartment." Jimin smiled at me.
I don't deserve this care. If something this bad has happened to me, then I don't deserve my life.
I nodded and he left me with a good bye.
Now I'm alone and in pain. I really did deserve this.
Will you ever come back to me?
Why did you leave me?
I need you.
You were the only person that I loved.
Never did I love my mother.
She never did love me.
"You're so useless. Why can't you be like your brother? Your father left because of you."
She would always say to me.
She would always compare me to my better older brother.
He was smart, handsome, helpful and caring. Anything he needed to be the perfect son.
But then there was me.
The mistake.
I'm dumb, ugly, useless and I have cuts all over my thighs. Everything I had to be labeled the mistake.
The one that wasn't supposed to be born.
The one my mother had with some random bastard.
That's me.
But I never told you these thing because I never want my friends to worry about me.
Because I'm nothing.