Chapter 27 - Mr Blue Beetle

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Yay! It's good to be back! This chapter turned out to be way funnier than I expected, so have fun!


We ran into a line of traffic as soon as we entered the city, and I soon fell asleep. I only woke up when I heard the crank of the hand brake. I opened my bleary eyes, and took in the new surroundings.

"This is where you live? Whoa!"

"Yes," replied Logan with a raise of his chin, and he stepped out of the car.

I lowered the shutter and stuck my head out, a wide grin on my face.

The car was backed up against a tall sign post, and as my eyes travelled up, I noticed that the metal had turned a dazzling green with age, covered with a creeper with lovely russet buds that smelled like icing on a birthday cake. Mounted on the top was a wooden plaque hanging down from two silver chains off an ornate bar. Embossed on the plaque were the words: Blavius Square. The name sent a tingle down my spine. I've head of this place. It was a tourist attraction, I think, coz the brochure I got from the museum when I came to the city for the first time two months ago. I had taken a tour round Old Town, but we didn't have the time to come here, before she dropped me off at Poppy's.

If someone told me that a chunk from the campus had been cut and dropped down in front of me, I would've believed them. The square was lined with the same grand old sandstone buildings, though I guess these were houses, though you could fit ten of mine into one of these. The sun was dipping down one branch at a time from behind a huge leafy evergreen to the west side of the square, and its long shadow danced over wooden benches and walkways and cafés, filled with people out to enjoy a soothing evening. There were bushes trimmed into all sorts of funny shapes and animals, but I didn't really get the time to look at them, coz right in the middle of the square was Zulee's twin. The fountain, I mean.

I jumped out of the car and trotted over to take a closer look, and yes it was an exact copy, but slightly bigger, I guess. There were several coins underwater, shimmering gold in the orange sunlight. I didn't try to peer in though, I did not want to fall into a fountain again any time soon, though I had a feeling I might end up at the bottom of this one too someday.

I was still looking into the water when a pigeon landed on my head. Its upside-down head popped into my sight line from above like one of those seagulls in Finding Nemo, and it pecked my glasses. It was so cute! I'm going to name him Dirby and we're going to be best of friends forever and forever –

I heard sharp footsteps behind me, and a hand whacked at poor Dirby, who squawked and flew away.

"Patton! Are you hurt? Did that bird attack you?" Logan's worried eyes scanned my face.

"Aw! Why'd you do that?" I whined, trying to find my pet pigeon, but there were so many of them.

He hesitantly put a hand to my messy curls and parted them this way and that. He gave an exasperated sigh. "Just as I feared. There are some light scratches from its claws."

"But I don't feel anything! Dirby will never hurt me!"


"Birdy the other way around. I was gonna make him my pet! But you chased him away!"

"City pigeons are only second to rats when it comes to carrying diseases. I highly doubt you will enjoy having one as a pet. Now let us go in and get your wounds cleaned, we don't want you getting infected, now do we?"

It was so annoying when Logan was right, which most of the time. I followed Logan with a huff, until is saw something big and pink. "Oh!" I bounced on my heels, my foul mood gone. There was a candy floss cart! I pointed at it excitedly. "Come on, Logan! We need to have some!"

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