Chapter 11

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Miru's note~: hye guys!!-again- I'm sorry!! this is going to be short , and if i say short, it is going to be really REALLY short. anyway hope you guys enjoy~ please don't hate me! because i love you guys for reading my story~ besides this is  my first fanfiction.

He looked into your eyes with worry. "I don't know what your father meant but, I feel guilty right now".

You turned away and look at the roses.

"umm.. Hei, can I say something?", he smiled at you, cheeks stained with pink dust. You nodded for him to continue. "i-is it me or these roses remind me of you?".

You looked at him, shock, then laughed quietly. You both made eye contact and you answered, "it's you...".

He smiled at your answer, he then grabbed your cold palm onto his humanly-warm ones.

"(y/n)-san, can you tell me more about yourself? Like your dislikes and likes, what colour(s) are/is your favourite. Your hobby. Your life and so on?".

"only if you tell me yours first", you laughed at the tall boy.

"o-oh! Ok! I'm Jean Kirschtein. I'm 19 years old. I like-", before you let him continue, you squeezed his hand, "you're 19? I thought you are like.... same age as me? I'm 21, slightly older than you".

His eyes widened, then he flash a warm smile, "i like it that way...".

Now it was your time to blush. This was the third time your cheeks were warm.

You muttered 'ohh' barely hearable. Then you felt three presence. You looked around in search of the presence.

About 20 feets away, you spot three figure, which you were too familiar; the red-headed, the blondie and the sliver-headed.

Your thought was cut offed by a shock looking Jean.

"what's wong?", you asked him, with a slight concern in your voice.

"do you see what I'm seeing?", his eyes widened, you cocked your head to the side making a rather confused face. Then you looked to see what captured his attention.

SUSPENSE !! It was just the three guys that you were just talking about just now. You let out an exasperating sigh.

"really now? that's what making you shocked? hei, guys!!".

They  turned their heads to both of you, you could see a hint of anger from your brother and Ronald.

Without wasting much time, Zero went into the gate  followed by Ronald and Grell behind him. Grell squealing like a fanboy while Ronald making a pissed face and Zero glaring at Jean.

You swallowed a gulp, "*ahem*..... Guys, this is Jean Kirschtein, Jean this is my brother, Zero..", showing him to Jean, "and i believe you had met Ronald knox already and..... this is Grell Sutcliffe..", introducing the red-headed to him.

"oh? nice to meet you, minna", he bowed his head to show respect.

You looked at Ronald, seeing him making an annoyed face. You sighed.

"(y/n)-chan... i need to talk to you....", Ronald took one glance of you before looking ahead of him and walked away.

you gulped.

Miru's note~:  again!! cliffhanger!! hahahahaha.... see ? what did i type?  a short one~! sorry!! please don't hate me!

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