The signs as Movie Cliches
Aries: Zombies are dumb, slow, and have uncoordinated movement
Taurus: The Villian in an action film will always have an English accent
Gemini: Unless its the main character, every gunshot wound is fatal and allows them to live just long enough to finish speaking
Cancer: If they're not from this world then theres a 100% chance they want to kill us all
Leo: Small town police will always be lazy and bad at their job
Virgo: Every adult is a fricking idiot when the main characters are teens or kids
Libra: If theres a chance for the Naughty Naughty, the Naughty Naughty will always be taken
Scorpio: In desperate times, a pipe can always be ripped from a wall to be used as a weapon or tool
Sagittarius: If they're told to stay put or not touch something, theres a 100% chance of disobeying
Capricorn: Phones ALWAYS work, even in places where they shouldnt and in times where they should be dead
Aquarius: All evil masterminds happen to find a physically flawed henchman to go along with their schemes
Pisces: All summer camps in the woods allow children to roam unattended
u happy now RangerChicken