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3 2 1 Breath, 3 2 1 Breath, 3 2 1 Breath. Chest up and down, 3 2 1 Breath. I say over and over again. Control, Control, Control. Legs straight, back stiff, Arms ready to ,kill, fight.

Kill Kill Kill Kill,

Fight Lily Anne. Max says to me, His eyes focus on me, on my body, on my face, my arms and my legs- Making sure I don't move wrongly, or badly.







Max runs up to me and he starts to punch me, but I can feel that his not punching hard, because I'm a girl, he doesn't want to hurt me. I don't think so.. " FIGHT BACK LILY ANNE! " He screams at me and I twitch as he shouted. I block his punch and he blinks and smiles. " Good. Now punch me- " He says with his arms up, not teleporting. " Punch me, I want to see if you're good at punching or if I must train that into you too. " He says straight forward. I punch him and he gags and coughs blood up.

" Wow.. That was very good. " He says wiping his mouth, but he's still smiling. " Now, kick me and try to make me fly, this time, I'll fight back. So be ready, okay? " He says with his arms up ready to fight. I nod.

He stands still I watch as his chest rises. Now. I trick him that I'm going to be kicking with my left leg but I turn around and kick him with my right leg and he falls to the ground shocked.

He teleports to me and choke holds me that I'm gasping for air. " Don't let your guard down, Lily Anne. I can still fight back even if you kick me back- I'm still ready to fight. " He lets go of me and pushes me to the ground and pins me down to the floor.

Someone walks into the training room.

" Max, You're to ruff with her- You should let her have a nicer trainer, " The girl says. " She can die if you're to ruff. You can't control you're temper. " She says. " I'm fine. I won't hurt her. I can control my temper, thank you very much.. " He says annoyed. " I can't help that she's weak- " He says.

I grab his hand and pull it down and he goes flying to the ground, He screams in pain.

Can't control

Can't control

Can't control

The girl stares at me with fear, She screams something that I can't hear. Help me.. Help him! Please! Put me down! I want to scream as I fall to the ground. Control.

Max... I'm so sorry...

He teleports in front of me and his bleeding.. I did that. I hurt him. I didn't mean to. I have to get out of here. I have to stop myself, I have to die. I need to go to my dad.

" Lily Anne? " He says on his knees. " Why are you crying? " He asks wiping my tears away. " Did something happen, did I do something? " He asks. " I hurt you.. You're bleeding because of me.. I hurt you! I didn't mean to I'm so sorry! Max I'm so sorry! " I say crying that my cheeks are full of tears.

" Hey Hey.. Don't cry I was wrong, You're not weak. You just got pissed off when I said that. I should be sorry... " He says putting his hand on my cheek and smiling. " I'm sorry Lily Anne. " He says again. " You where amazing. Don't be sad because you have power- Be amazed by it. " He says pulling me up from my knees and hugging me.

Breath, breath, breath, breath... I feel his chest rise and fall, 1 2 3 times.

" Yeah, You where amazing. And Your eyes.. There where so blue like the ocean. " The girl said, She looks like Max, Just older and a girl.. " It did? " I said shocked. " Yes Yes. It did. " Max said. " It was quite amazing. " He said smiling.

" It was... " I said. I have seen my eyes when I'm mad.. I should.. I want to see the monster people talk about.

But I still hurt him.

The one that took me in, helped me, fed me, clothed me.

Mom.. I forgot about my mom! She must be so scared. I have to go to her. I have to see her.

" Max? When can I see my mother? She must be so scared and worried. " I said. " Whenever you want Lily Anne. I can Take you tomorrow if you want. " He said leaning against a wall.

" REALLY! YES PLEASE! " I said smiling widely. " Thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! " I scream at him jumping onto him and hugging him with my arms around his neck.

" Jesus.. Yeah No problem.. " He says laughing while holding me.

I get off him and hide my face, I'm blushing like a dumbass.

" Sorry about that.. I don't normally do that.. I'm sorry. " I say looking down. " It's fine. No need to say sorry Lil Anne, You where Happy. It's good to be happy. " He says smiling.

I liked being in his arms thought...

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