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I'm sleeping, right? That's what I hope. I feel awake, but I'm not awake. I'm sure I'm dead. There's a light, in the darkness- It's whiteish yellow. It's glowing, but dark- its white but black. It's hard to see, but it's right in my face. There's a girl, She's small. She's so pretty. So cute. She has white hair, like snow- Red eyes, Like blood and a black dress. It's kinda creepy- She looks about 5 - 7 And she's small, I wonder if she died-...

I walk up to her and he smiles, she takes my hand and she walks to the light. I see Max- He's crying... My mother is there too. She's crying.. My real father isn't there, Austin and Zak is there too. Max is crying.. So.. Hard. Why- What-.... That's me... Why am I there?

" You're going to die, Lily Anne. " The little girl says, " You used to much magic, and your heart keeps stopping. Zak can't do anything, And Austin- He can't read your thoughts. They think your already dead, You have to wake up. Wake up Lily Anne, Right now! " She screams and the floor breaks, I'm next to myself, I look so... Drained. So lifeless... It's scary-..

" Max! I'm right here! Why can't you see me. " I say waving my hands in front of his face, " Max! Please! Max! I don't want to die! Max! " I say as I try to touch him, but my hand goes right threw him, " What! No! Little girl! How do I wake up! " I scream, while crying, " Please tell me! " I scream falling on my knees crying, " Please... " I say.

The little girl comes behind me and hugs me, " It's okay, I can make you alive, again. Don't worry. You'll see the guy you like again, You can touch and hug him as much as you want. " He says hugging me, " I like Max?... I have never liked someone before...

She gives me some type of drink? I sip it and it tastes like beer. Kinda weird.

I drink it all and I start to fade back into my body,

I wake up- Max is shocked and My mother is now hugging me. I hug her back and I see Max's eyes, and I can't help but start to tear up too- He runs up to me and hugs me, so tight. Can't breath...

I want to kiss him, tell him I'm okay. Tell him It's okay I'm here right here stop crying. But I can't I can't even make a noise, I'm just crying, Just crying. I can't stop. It's like a tear in my heart and its pooring tears, not blood. tears. It's annoying- I'm trying to stop, But I can't Max keeps on hugging me and Austin is just smiling. Zak is not on me and hugging me so tightly....

It's night now, It's late and everyone has left, just not Max-... He's been here- Ever since I fell a sleep. I started to wake up and Max is sleeping with his bed on my bed- and his body off the bed... I start to poke him and he rolls off the bed, " Owww! " He says rubbing his head, " That hurt-.. " He said getting up and looking at me. " Lily Anne? You're awake? " He asked me and I just nodded my head, He sits next to me on my bed and rubs my forehead, " Go back to sleep, Lily Anne. " He says smiling. " You need rest. " He kisses my forehead and I can't stop blushing- I say " uh haha mhm sure? uh mm mhm. m. uhh shh mmm mhm. " I say trying to talk.

He just laughs at me and says goodnight and walks out the door and waves me goodbye. I wave back but I'm still blushing. I don't know what to do.

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