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1 2 3, Chest going up, 3 2 1, chest going down. I watch as he lifts his chest.

" Lily Anne? You ready? " He asked me, watching me worry about what we doing, " No... Can we do this later? Or maybe never?... I'm not ready. " I say nervous looking at him without a shirt, " We have too. I'm sorry, But it might hurt. " He grabs my hand, and pulls me to him, I'm right next to him, almost on him. " Okay, Now close your eyes. " He says smiling. " Okay.. " I say, closing my eyes shut.

He teleports us to the torture room.

I get shocked and I scream. Max is watching me, He seems sad and scared. I see a knife, with blood on it, its rusty. The man puts it in to my arm and drags it down my arm. I scream and I feel the knife stop and get pulled out my skin and go flying to him.

Max teleports to him and teleports him away. " Lily Anne... Please.. Be careful.. " He says. " I'm sorry... " I say " It's fine, I can handle this. " The man says, pulling something out his skin, like a dagger, or something?..

He tells Max to leave, He said things might get messy. He pulls my head foreword and makes me looks at him. " Smile! " He says taking his blade to the corner of my lips and slides it deep threw my cheeks. Blood, Is all I can see right now. I spit blood at him. Not good... I didn't mean too. " Oh you little twat! " He grabs my head and hangs it. " Master told me not to kill you, but I think no one will care if you have little of blood left? Hm? " He says putting the blade in my hands, right threw. I hold my breath, not screaming and crying.

He takes another knife out of himself, Where does he get them... I start at where it's coming from and he slaps me, hard, fast, painful. I still don't scream, I groan at the pain, just a little. He grabs my other arm and puts the blade in and slides it, taking a piece of my skin off. " This is mine, forever. " He touches my face and I move away, he grabs my face and pulls to him. " Have you had your first kiss? You're so hot, I would think you have. " He says coming closer, closer, closer. His lips are inches away from mine, When he comes in.

" ASH! SHE'S 14 YOU CAN'T BE DOING THAT! " He says pulling him away. " Sorry about that, he's still training. " He says sitting on his knees. " I'm Austin, Nice to meet you. " He says untying my handcuffs. " I'm sorry... I think I screamed... " I say annoyed at myself. " Hey Hey, Don't be like that. You did amazing, better than me. When they first did that to me I screamed my ass off. " He says helping me up. " Really? " I asked. " Ye. People called me the scream boy after that... It was fucking annoying.. " He says laughing, I stare at his longish brown hair, His blueish greenish eyes, They look like gems.

We get to the medical wing and there is a little boy there, Looks to be about 10ish. He looks like Austin, just younger. " Zak? Can you help me, She needs healing, now. " He says putting me on the bed, " Who was torturing me? " I asked, " That would be Frank. " Austin said, leaning on the wall staring at my cuts everywhere, I noticed he's wearing a hoodie... A white one, untouched white, pearly, Like nothing can touch it.

" Lily Anne? Is that your name? And yes My hoodie is untouched.. " He says staring at me. " How did you-... " I asked. " I can read minds, Kinda annoying when someone you SAVED talks about you in their mind. " He says annoyed walking out the room. " Did I do something?... " I looked at my hands, " Did I say something ?... " I asked myself.

" No, My brother, he has issues. We had a bad history, just like you, Just our parents didn't care at all. " He says healing my arm. " You did?... " I asked. " Yes, I grew up with a father that would beat us and our mother dead. Austin would take the beats the worst, so we didn't get hurt, Then after that, he became heartless, Until he found a place where we could run away, 2 years ago. This place. This place saved my brothers and sisters, We owe them everything. " He says.

" Wow... " I said, " That.. Really happened? " I asked. " Yes. What you went threw, we all went threw everyday. " He said, " He will do it again though. " He adds. " Do what again?- " Before I could finish, Austin comes into the room. " Mhm... So now you know huh? " He says looking at him, His emotionless...

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