5. Oh Starry Night

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*wow! chap 5! How long is this fanfic going to go??XD

Thanks for reading guys! And giving me more inspiration everyday! ^^v*

The big black car sped silently through the city streets.

Inside, it was just the perfect temperature but I was really hot. I even had to take off my sweater and I just knew my face was completely red.

It's just that - sitting in his car, in the passenger seat beside him, driving through the night it almost felt like we were on - well... a date!!!

Just thinking the word made me flush even more with embarrassment. Of course we weren't really. I was reasonable enough to understand that. He was just eccentric and really spontaneous. All his jangeos knew that.

And he was also a nice guy.

He seemed to be the type to be conscious of others and to value relationships, no matter how small. Why else would he have made a point of coming to my cafe every week despite his exhausting schedule? And why else would he have asked me, an invisible girl who served coffee at an out of the way establishment, to come out with him tonight?

It couldn't be because he lacked for company. Everyone knew he had friends. His generosity with his life on the internet was making some of them almost as famous as he was!

No. He was clearly just really nice and really kind. I felt the hero worship rising in me and I let it, glancing over at him to verify for the millionth time that he was really there.

I was surprised to find him glancing back at me, a slight frown touching his brow.

"Min-Hee Ssi, even in the dark I can tell that you're redder than usual!" his deep voice broke our silence. I wasn't sure if it was concern or amusement I heard in it. Maybe both? "Are you hot? Shall I roll down the windows?"

There was no point in denying it so I nodded and was actually a little relieved when he cracked them down halfway, letting in the cold night air.

Then I watched in utter fascination as with one casual hand, he pulled his hair free of the two pony tails they'd been caught up in then raked his lean fingers though the wavy, silky mess left behind. The dark waves flopped back around his face when he returned his hand to the wheel before the breeze from the window picked them up again.

Literally stunned by the sight my mouth fell open. I actually caught myself thinking that I wished it was YouTube so I could rewind that moment and rewatch it. A few hundred times.

He glanced over at me and caught me staring again. He didn't look surprised or annoyed. He just smiled that mildly wicked, curly smile like it was a joke between us. It made me feel like he didn't mind me staring even though it was probably something he got all the time.

"What does Min-Hee Ssi feel like doing tonight?" he asked lightly.

My mind went blank. I was already doing what I wanted to do tonight. And probably every night of my life. I couldn't imagine anything better than just being beside him and receiving even a little bit of his attention.

But I didn't want to say that and look just pathetic so I said the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of what people did for fun at night.


"Clubbing?" He quirked his eyebrow and gave me a look. I loved his eyebrows. In a host of favourite features I have for him, his eyebrows were in my top 3.

Each one slashes upwards to an intriguing saturnine arch, a devilish little tail at the top that adds that little bit more mischief to his looks. "You like clubbing?" he asked not bothering to hide his doubt.

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