Chapter 22: The Investigation

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(Warning: Mature Content)
At the Police Station

A group of policemen were huddled around the Chief by a table in a room.

Different emotions planted on their faces as they recalled the event that went on at the Uzumaki club an hour ago.

One of them snarled as they stared at the news report showing the Uzumaki leader also known as Naruto Uzumaki command a group of men to execute their team of policemen.

"Isn't he the same guy who was locked up a few years back?" A ebony haired man asked, his eyes stone cold as he stared at the Tv that recorded the bastard Naruto killing some of their men at the local club.

The chief sighed, a mask covering his face, his right eye the only thing not covered.

All of the policemen wore a grey suit on with badges and different items on it.

Including their tasers, handcufffs and of course, their guns.

"Ahh yes, the Uzumaki kid. Hand me his file would ya?" The chief known as Kakashi Hatake instructed a policeman who was standing beside him.

He nodded and walked away, getting on the task at hand right away.

The previous man known as Sasuke scoffed from where he stood "I know him, quite well. We use to kick it off all the time back then, until.. He went rogue.. I cut all ties with him after that." He admitted with a shake of his head.

One of the cops raised an eyebrow at his claim "Ah man, whatta drag." He commented with a long exaggerated sigh.

Another cop laughed, who was standing beside him "Ah come on, Shikamaru. This guy can't be that bad." He added while hitting his back playfully.

He groaned and sent a slight glare his way "Lee, will you get a grip. Jeez." Shikamaru scoffed out while inching away from the hyperactive man.

Lee chuckled making everyone else chuckle except the stone cold Sasuke.

He glared at everyone and delivered a slap to the middle of the table making all laughing cease "You guys, are joking around, when there is a homicidal Criminal roaming the fucking streets. Killing and raping all sorts of goddamn people. You guys make me sick." He scoffed out in disgust, clearing taking his job more than seriously.

Kakashi sighed but nodded at his outburst "You're right, Sasuke. We've dealt with a lot of cases dealing with criminals but this one is far beyond our statis. We need to think of a different approach." He demanded and took the file that the cop gladly handed to him on his journey back from an isolated room in the police station.

Everyone watched as Kakashi unwrapped the Uzumaki's file.

He opened it wide revealing several cases that he's been crimed against.

He then, pulled out several pieces of paper dealing with victims of his assaults. "It says here, that he's been the suspect of several murder crimes. Also rape scenes." Kakashi commented as he skimmed through tons of tones of crimes the man did.

There was low chatter in the room as fear slowly started to coat the air from the men.

"Woah. This man is fucking insane. He, killed his mother." A policeman commemted as he caught sight of the crime having to do with that.

Kakashi sighed but then stopped when he got to Naruto's info, his one visible eye scanning it .

Aftwr a few seconds his eye widen, his chest dropping... "Now this.. Is way beyond us." He breathed out in slight fear.

Everyone froze as they anticipated on what Kakashi, their top cop in the building was going to say.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he eyed him "Well, what is it?" He instructed with calm anger.

Kakashi directed his eye to him from the paper, his facial expression serious and stern now "This guy, has some dark powers.. And we have to stop him, once and for all. And I know just the thing to do it." He said and pulled up a picture of a young woman that looks to be still in her teens.

Everyone stared at her as she smiled brightly at the camera "Her names Hinata Hyuga. And people have spotted her to be with him. If we get our hands on her, she may can lead us to him." He said but everyone stared at the beautiful woman in awe.

Her long violet hair was placed beautifully down her back.

Her eyes were closed and she held up the peace sign at the camera.

She also wore a short lavender dress that framed her figure perfectly.

All men gasped at her beautiful appearance while Sasuke clicked his tongue at her picture "Who is she?" He asked directly and bluntly causing everyone look at him.

Kakashi cleared his throat and took a glance at the file below him "She's really familiar to this notorious Uzumaki son of a bitch. I've heard he's been spotted with her all the time.. wouldn't dare hurt her, not as far as killing her.. So that must mean, she's still alive.. and with him.. No telling where they are though... On the broadcast he left the club, with no indication on where he was going." He explained and placed the photo of the woman back down.

Everyone hummed in thought including Sasuke "That's interesting." Shikamaru commented and Lee hummed, scratching his head in confusion...

"Could she perhaps be, related to him? Or how about his girlfriend?" Lee added in thought making everyone gasp, everyones eyes lightingnup.

Kakashi shook his head and sighed "Not relative... maybe girlfriend. Because, there's an inappropriate tape in here that involves them doing some pretty close things together." He added and pulled out a tape recorder.

He turned it on and moved it around it so everyone can see.

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the recorder as it showed the two of them fucking in a window.

She seemed to beg loudly despite the moans that was escaping her lips.

Sasuke glared at the video.

His lips twisted tight and his jaw clenched as he saw Naruto abusing the perfectly in shape woman...

"Turn it off." He commanded darkly making everyone freeze up.

Kakashi looked taken aback but he turned and clicked the video off, not wantung to disturb him any more "Sorry for the disturbance, Sasuke. But we need this evidence for the case." He informed but Sasuke narrowed his eyes even more at that...

"I would rather solve this without having to see a innocent woman tortured by my childhood friend.. Who I don't, even know anymore." He admitted making everyone remain silent, everyone's taking his words to heart.

Kakashi shook his head and placed the tape recorder down "Fine". We need to confront him a different way then." He said and looked at all of the police in the room, his eye narrowed as a sudden thought pooped up in his head...

"Let's start off with the first approach.. Stealth."

Author's note:

Double Upload!!!

Well, I usually update once a weekend but.. This chapter is short so why not...

And it gives some more information according to the Police..

Yeah.. They're finally getting involved..

And it won't, be no walk in the park for them...


But anyay, I hoped you like it and remember!!!

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